Tuossa systeemissä pitäisi kieltämättä olla selkeämpi maininta siitä, että leikkimisen jälkeen pitää painaa resettiä, eikä missään tapauksessa saa tallentaa muutoksia. Jos erehtyy tallentamaan vailinaisen tiimin nollarahoilla voi käydä ohraisesti, kun jokaisesta muutoksesta peritään maksu.
FAQ:n mukaan tilanne pitäisi olla mahdollista korjata
My Team:
You can view and change your team details in here. The drop down lists contain all the team items available and the text box just above it contains the name of your current item. When you are selecting your team using the dropdown lists you can see your new budget when you would make the changes, make sure this is a positive number before hitting the save changes button.
The rollback function is used to rollback to your last known team. You can use if you have made a team change and regret this and would like to have your previous team back. When you do a rollback we lookup your team and budget from last race and set that as your team and budget if you didn't have a team before you will get the startbudget and no team.