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Törmäsinpä aiemmin tänään sopivasti yhden "kukkahatun" kirjoitukseen siitä, miksi hän reagoi kuten reagoi. Linkitetäänpä se siis vaikka tänne. Saa lukea.
Kukkahattu jyrähti
The Terrible Bargain We Have Regretfully Struck
My mistrust is not, as one might expect, primarily a result of the violent acts done on my body, nor the vicious humiliations done to my dignity. It is, instead, born of the multitude of mundane betrayals that mark my every relationship with a man—the casual rape joke, the use of a female slur, the careless demonization of the feminine in everyday conversation, the accusations of overreaction, the eyerolling and exasperated sighs in response to polite requests to please not use misogynist epithets in my presence or to please use non-gendered language ("humankind").