
  1. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    the "secret" footage exists, or did exist.
  2. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    even in this topic has been already said that there's another footage of the accident, but it hasn't ever been released
  3. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    hope one day we'll se the "second/confidential" video
  4. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    your hypothesis could relate to something real, because the dust cloud is very very large and, as I said, could be compatible only with the car going in the dust portion on the right side of the corner entering. Or SOMETHING ELSE. But we've already seen that we have no marks of this hypothetical...
  5. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    imho no, just because at some point the Front left mark seems to direct right (countersteer?), and if you carefully see the lighter mark it ends just in the point where there's terrain, the point where the car is supposed to eventually fall down from the road.
  6. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    your post is very informative and discuss about one of the most strange part of the mystery. If you follow the tyre marks it's quite impossible to explain that big dust cloud, which imho is totally unmatchable with a complete 360 back to the front spin, it's impossible and you don't have...
  7. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    This video is 100% fantasy
  8. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

  9. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    Don’t remember if it has already been discussed i was watching This video the Moment before you the car is going down you can see something that seems to fall/jump with a little left to the right/down line. could it possible be the driver jumping or falling out of the car...
  10. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    Given all of our theory for the way the car went off and crashed, I think I agree with you, the tragedy did occur because, for some reason, the S4 left the straight with much more speed than what was right to do the corner. The mystery, anyway, remains: given your points 1was a communication...
  11. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    correct me if I'm wrong, you did copy a Frame of another pic and paste in the video of the crash. To me when you see the car at first in the video, first of the frames in the post, you are seeing the right side of the car, front 3/4 view. Given that the car "did" in some way the corner from the...
  12. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    i see what you're saying, but imho it's not what happened. Imho the car went off the road in the point where, with the flame still burning fully, there's some dust at the right side of the road (a point that I've always believed to have dust only because of the truck that rescue the crashed...
  13. Henri Toivonen

    Henri Toivosen onnettomuus korsikalla

    Hi everyone, sorry for the English language but I'm totally 0 with the Finnish! (I'm Italian) The whole 3d has been very informative and has been a real pleasure to feel the passion that people all over the world still has for Henri and Sergio, even if in 2026 will be 40 years since that...