Tuossa sen F1GrandPrixManagerin tilanne:
1 (C) AMS Racing 466.20
2 (S) Team MaxiV 417.90
3 (C) Grove 406.50
4 (S) Team KiMika 403.80
5 (C) Cale Grand Prix Ltd. 396.30
6 (S) Harrison Racing 379.30
7 (C) Team Minardos© 379.30
8 (C) BAT GP 368.30
9 (C) Avalanche GP 351.30
10 (S) Viktor F1 339.80
11 (S) Erebus 329.90
12 (C) Jukkis Racing 328.50
13 (S) Go Go GO 324.60
14 (C) SALASF1 312.70
15 (C) Dark Horse Racing 297.50
16 (C) Henkka Racing Team 282.90
17 (S) arnold F1 281.80
18 (C) Raippa laulaa 273.30
19 (C) Tuopin Kaatajat 269.50
20 (S) Guardians 264.00
21 (C) prof 249.30
22 (C) RAE-F1 248.20
23 (S) Combine Harvey Stars Turbo 240.80
24 (C) Team SISU 217.80
25 (S) SmokyPipes 210.40
26 (S) Krell 191.10
27 (C) KHN Racing 161.30
28 (S) Team Henkka 140.30
29 (S) Aiwinar 111.80
30 (S) Jusban-Racing 109.30
31 (C) FinlandiaF1 0.00
32 (C) Team Gere 0.00
33 (C) arnold team F1 0.00
Kaikki ei ilmeisesti ole lukeneet ohjeita, kun tuossa on Classic ja Supreme -tiimejä? Johtuuko tää nyt siitä häsläyksestä tuon liigan perustamisen kanssa, kun aluksi Foorumin liiga oli siinä monimutkaisemmassa Supreme-liigassa?
Siis siellähän on kaksi pelimoodia: classic ja supreme, joista jälkimmäisessä saa sponssin ja sitä kautta lisää rahaa (ja mahdollisuuden menettää sitä huonolla menestyksellä tms.)
Ja sitten on kaksi liigamoodia: classis ja supreme, joista jälkimmäisessä hinnat vaihtelee tarjousten mukaan.
Tuossa vielä selvennykseksi sivuilta saksittua:
At the bottom of the form is the option 'Select Game Type'. There are 2 possible games: -Classic F1 - this game is similar to other F1 games you will find on the internet. -Supreme F1 - the SupremeF1 game offers a more involved game. In the SupremeF1 game, you will encounter 'random problems' that cost you money to solve, as well as the possibility of problems with your sponsors. This game makes keeping a tight budget a little difficult. But rest assured, there are means of increasing your money too! (Once you have made your game selection, you will not be able to undo it)
If you want to play in both the Classic F1 and the Supreme F1 games, you will need to register 2 different teams. Once you have completed the registration form and selected your game type, press the 'Commit' button. After this you will need to 'login to the site' using your Login name and password. Your are now ready to create your team!
How The Leagues Work:
The Leagues system was created to allow players to play in 'Private' leagues against friends, workmates etc. In order for a friend or workmate to join your league, you must send them the 'username' and 'password' that you entered to create the league. Without the league user name and password other people will not be able to join you ! In order to be able to create and / or login to the 'Leagues' area you must first login normally to the site. If you have not yet registered you must do so first. There are 2 possible League games in F1 Grand Prix Manager.
Classic F1 - this game is similar to other F1 games you will find on the internet. You can join someone else's league only if you know the username and password for that league. To get the username and password you must ask the League Creator (player who created league) directly. Note: These leagues are private and this is why you cannot join them directly.
Each player is allowed to create only one Classic League.
Each player is allowed to join any number of Classic Leagues. It can be done by clicking 'Leagues' and then 'Login' in the main menu.
Each player may play in all Classic Leagues with the same team created at the registration stage (It means that changes made to the team will affect your results in all Classic Leagues)
Classic Leagues that you have joined will be listed on your 'Edit Team" page.
Supreme F1 League - the Supreme League offers a more involved game.
One player is allowed to create only one Supreme League.
One player is allowed to join any number of Supreme Leagues. It can be done by clicking 'Leagues' and then 'Login' in the main menu.
11 players maximum are allowed to join any Supreme League. Note: the more players who join ( up to 11), more fun with game play.
You will have to create a new team for each Supreme League you join.
The only way to buy drivers, engine, chassis and tyres or assign sponsors is to participate in an auction with all other league members. Auction duration for each item is 1 day from the first bet.
You will use advert space on your car to bid for sponsors instead of money
Money or advert space for your bid will be returned to you if other members of your League outbid you
All actions that you make will be listed on your "Log Book" page.