Sehän on nyt vaan muotia haukkua irl:llää ja Tony Georgea.
Yleensä tahtoo olla cart/ccws fanit asialla......
Koko juttu:
Briscoe Released from Hospital
By Tim Redmayne Monday, 19 September 2005 16:29
Ganassi Racing's Ryan Briscoe has been released from hospital following his fiery crash at Chicagoland last week.
The 23-year-old Australian was moved to the Indianapolis Methodist Hospital following his 180mph smash, where he sustained concussion, two broken collarbones, a bruised lung, and contusions to his legs and arms.
He also has a tiny fracture to a small bone in his right foot and several contusions on his back.
Briscoe underwent further evaluation and treatment at the hospital under the care of Dr. Scott Bjerke, Dr. Terry Trammell and Dr. Kevin Sheid, with the assistance of Indy Racing League medical personnel.
All injuries are expected to heal without surgery, and he will now recuperate at his home in Indianapolis. He will not compete in either of the final two races this season.
On se jännä että että kriittisessä tilassa ollut ja hengitysvaikeuksia mutta silti kotiin jo päässyt?