
Well-known member
"Thunder Cars and Gem+ .98 is beta

with only a very small test group only a few have this running . But all of us installed ok and have no major bugs to report to date.

If you want to try TC mod bear this in mind.

I recommend you make BACKUP copies of GPLsecrets folder ( in prog files ) and Mods folder ( in GPL ) just so you can go back to previous install if there are any problems for you.

First Create a player in GPL for Thunder Cars eg, Paul SkingleyTC, exit GPL

D/l the Gem+ update. run the full install G104102 and then extract Gem+ .98 update zip to Program files/GPLsecrets/Gem+

D/l the Thunder Cars exe, extract to temp folder, install the gpl folder so the contents copy into your Gpl folder

install the Gem+ pics to GPLsecrets/Gem+/pictures.

Start Gem+ select language.

select TCmod player

click CARSETS button

move BITZARINI (Thunder Cars) to the ACTIVE column, click the active carset and a box opens showing the teams and a physics box which should say BITZA+FINAL. Click OK

Next to the CARSETS button is a box which probably says "1967 Grand Prix" click the arrow and select "Thunder Cars (BITZA_FINAL)"

click CONFIGURE, I have all the boxes ticked but I would recommend the top four boxes ticked at least. check your paths to Vroc/Igor

hit the GPL button and off you go.

( repeat procedure CARSETS button to make 65mod active )

You will need to sort the gearing first, Paul has posted a general setup on the site.

Tips : car is heavy, 7lt V8 with lots of torque so look after your tyres.

Brake early, you will going faster at the end of the straight and the extra weight means these a difficult to stop.

FOV, TCmod has its own FOV/POV built in, don’t try to change this in Gem+ at the moment as it may cause Gem+ to crash. The FOV helps when side by side on the ovals where we intended some use for these cars.

If racing the AI use the box in Gem+ to create AI override for the mod, then when you select your mod player the override will kick in at tracks you have made overrides for.

There are bound to be more questions but hope this helps for now



Well-known member
No nii... nyt se modi on julkaistu virallisesti, onko kukaan tota testannu?

Onko tuo Gem+/Igor -ohjelma kuinka hankala käyttää, en ole noita uusia versioita käyttäny vielä koskaan. Noh, koittamalla se kai selviää? :p
