Reality bites
- Liittynyt
- 25.1.2007
- Viestit
- 6418
Uskomatonta kyllä, on huomisen viimeiselle harjoitussessiolle olemassa jonkin näköinen sateen mahdollisuuskin (sounds unlikely though). Myös lämpötilojen odotetaan laskevan perjantaista ja etenkin torstaista. Aika-ajosta ja kisapäivästä odotetaan edelleen kuivia - tämä tiedote tosin on julkaistu eilen päivällä:
Hungaroring may get clipped by an occasional shower in the morning after dawn. The shower risk during the final practice session is 50/50.
Even if no rain falls, there will be some cloud cover around to bring the temperature down, allied to a slight change in wind direction as the breeze swings round from a westerly to a north-westerly.
The top temperature tomorrow will be around 24 degrees. The shower risk diminishes as we move into the afternoon and the qualifying hour.
e: en jaksa siirtää sääketjuun, pysykööt täällä
Hungaroring may get clipped by an occasional shower in the morning after dawn. The shower risk during the final practice session is 50/50.
Even if no rain falls, there will be some cloud cover around to bring the temperature down, allied to a slight change in wind direction as the breeze swings round from a westerly to a north-westerly.
The top temperature tomorrow will be around 24 degrees. The shower risk diminishes as we move into the afternoon and the qualifying hour.
e: en jaksa siirtää sääketjuun, pysykööt täällä
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