Yllättäen juuri toisena päivänä, ekana päivänä nimittäin testaa Rosberg, ja toisena... :jaska:
Tein tässä aikani kuluksi tällaisen pikku kuvitteellisen tarinan, jossa kerrotaan Rosbergin statuksesta Mercedeksellä...
(Mercedeksen tallipilttuu ensimmäisten testien aikaan)
Rosberg: - So Ross, I had this talk with Barrichello... he fears I'm not gonna get equal driver status this year.
Brawn: - Mmh.
Rosberg: - He also said that...
Brawn: - Sure, sure.
Rosberg: - Are you even listening? Barrichello...
Brawn: - Barrichello? I don't know any Barrichello.
Rosberg: - Rubens Barrichello. He used to drive your cars, but that's not the point...
Brawn: - Oh, Rubens. I remember him... I guess. B-spec cars and shitty strategies, too bad it never worked out for him.
Rosberg: - ... which brings us to our main topic: Can I expect equal driver treatment from you? No number 2 status while Schumacher shines in glory?
Brawn: - Yeah sure, whatever.
Rosberg: - Honestly?
Brawn: - Certainly, obviously.
Rosberg: - Good to hear that... I'll check what Mr. Fry is doing back there.
Brawn: - Certainly, obviously.
(Rosberg tapaa Fryn)
Rosberg: - Good morning, Nick.
Fry: - Morning... Nico was it?
Rosberg: - Don't tell me you don't remember my name. We've met dozens of times before.
Fry: - Don't worry, sure I remember you. Ross told you're going to be our new Rubens this year. I can assure you that Mr. Schumacher is more than happy to have you as his wing-man. We've already produced our first B-spec car for you.
Rosberg: - What the hell are you talking about?
Fry: - Yes, I'm sure you'll be an excellent addition to Schumacher family. Welcome aboard, son.
Rosberg: - Wait! Are you suggesting that I'm just gonna be Schumacher's assistant?
Haug: - Well well Nico, didn't you know? IT'S IN THE CONTRACT
Fry: - Oh hi Norbert, good to see you again. Now excuse me, but I'm late for meeting. See ya folks later.
Rosberg: - Contract?
Haug: - Didn't you read it through?
Rosberg: - I did, and there was nothing about being number 2 driver.
Haug: - Oh, read between the lines, you spoiled little rat. Of course you'll be second to Schumi, everyone knows that. You do just what we want you to do, there's no escape anymore.
Rosberg: - Really? I... I can't believe this... all my hard work has lead into this...
Haug: - What hard work? Face it, you're here because of your name and PR-value. Just understand this, kid: We could have Nick Heidfeld on our second seat right now: German, no moaning, solid driving skills and small pay requests.
Rosberg: - How... how can you be so cruel? And why are you telling me all this??
Haug: - Because you need to stop pretending and start focusing on your job. Being number two driver doesn't mean it's the end of world, you can still pick up decent results and might even win someday. Just look how good Kovalainen is nowadays!
Rosberg: - ... he's not very good.
Haug: - Precisely, young Nico Rubens, precisely. We'll continue your motivation exercises later this afternoon. Now go and grab some breakfast. I heard they have excellent dounuts in the cafeteria.
(viikkoja myöhemmin, Bahrainin aika-ajojen jälkeen; Nico on sijoittunut yhden pykälän Schumia korkeammalle)
Schumacher: - Well, that went well!
Brawn: - Fantastic job, Michael! Bloody fantastic!
Schumacher: - Obviously there's always room for improvement, but I'd say winning the race is still quite realistic.
Brawn: - Without a doubt. There's nothing stopping you!
Rosberg: - Hey, what about me?
Brawn: - Who?
Schumacher: - Oh. He's my number two, Ross. Remember?
Brawn: - Oh yeah, Rubens. Right right. Nice driving and stuff.
Rosberg: - I'm Nico. So should we talk about my race strategy? I just go and find my engineer and...
Brawn: - That won't be necessary, Rubens. I'm afraid we might have to retire your car.
Rosberg: - What?? It's Saturday, and the car is in parc ferme. I've heard nothing about technical problems.
Brawn: - Doesn't matter. It's too risky to run it tomorrow, Rubens.
Rosberg: - WHY?
Brawn: - I don't know, some hydraulic pressure leaks or something. Remember, this way you can assist Michael to win... by improving his grid position.
Rosberg: - I can't believe this. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS.
Schumacher: - It's in the contract, number two.
Brawn: - Just live with it, Rubens, and let Michael pass for the championship.
Schumacher: - Someone should probably notify the officials already...