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Huhuja, mutta ne uskoo jotka haluavat uskoa tiettyyn totuuteen. Paska motivaatio, laiska, runkkari ym. Alkoi yllättävän aikaisin tämä Kimin bussin alle tuuppaaminen.
Tässä vielä tallin puolelta lisää.
Q: (Frederic Ferret – L’Equipe) To Romain, Sebastian and Fernando: what do you think of Kimi as a man and as a driver?
RG: As a man, I would say yeah, Kimi basically I don’t know him. He is with me as he is with you. As a driver, he’s a very good driver and he has been,
until recently, a very good teammate. He’s a quicker driver, he’s a consistent driver and to me, having him to learn (from) and to improve myself has been pretty good. But yeah, I don’t see him in different clothes to the ones we’re wearing right now.
On se niin kauiheeta,kun Kimi ei hypännyt sun edestä heti pois. Muistele saksaa ja SHUT THE FUCK UP!