Kimi Räikkönen - Aikansa paras?

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Ensinnäkin, Dennis antoi Kimille Iceman nimen Kimin viileästä suhtautumisesta kilpa-autoiluun. Näin hän on sanonut ainakin. Sauber palkkasi Kimin tämän poikkeuksellisesta rauhallisuudesta kovan paikan edessä, ei kuulemma tarttenut katsoa telemetriaa kun näki pelkästään Kimin suhtautumisen, se riitti.

Barcelonassa ajettujen testien aikana Kimillä käväisi pieni sivuluisu "Heikin mutkassa" ja telemetriaan tuli kuulemma kunnon piikki. Talliväki säikähti kuulemma hivenen, mutta Kimi sanoi rauhallisesti vain että "Oli tiukka tilanne 9 mutkassa" eikä ollut asiasta sen kummemmin moksiskaan. (tämä ei ollut se kerta kun Kimi veti mutkassa kovaa "heikin valliin".

Revolt, listasit kaikkea sitä mitä Kimi tekee vapaa-ajalla. Sanoit, että se kertoo siitä ettei Kimi ole rauhallinen.
Kuitenkin mainitset alussa yhtyväsi Mediaprofeetan mainintaan siitä, että koko Jäämies-gimmick perustuu pidättyväiseen ja rauhalliseen esiintymiseen julkisuudessa. Fail.
Asia on nimenomaan niin, että Kimin rauhallisuus näkyy varikolla hommia tehdessä.
Kimin ajovirheet tuskin liittyvät paineisiin, mikään ajovirheistä ei tapahtunut "valtavien paineiden alaisena". Virheet tuli lähinnä löysästä "kaikki tai ei mitään" ajamisesta.


Well-known member
hki finland
Kokonaistilanteen ynnäilyn jälkeen pitäisin tulevan kauden mm-voimasuhteita seuraavanlaisina:

-Kimi 67%
-Hamilton 21%
-Massa 11%
-Alonso 0,65%
-Kubica 0,35%

Lista näyttää varmasti useiden mielestä varsin Kimifanimaiselta kaikkine objektiivisuuden puutteineen, mutta olen pyrkinyt listaa laatiessani ottamaan huomioon kaikki mahdolliset asiaan vaikuttavat seikat, ja tuossa on tulos.


Olen samaa mieltä kanssasi, erityisesti lihavoidusta kohdasta. Kuten Spriten mainoskin sanoo: image is everything.
Paitsi että Spriten mainos sanoi: "Image is nothing. Thirst is everything. Obey your thirst." :D

Dennis antoi Kimille tuon Iceman-lempinimen siitä, ettei mies tuntunut potevan minkäänlaista kisajännitystä. Eikä vähiten siitä syystä, että nuorukainen veteli unta palloon vielä puoli tuntia ennen starttia (tai kaiketi starttia edeltäviä toimia).

Miksikään yleispäteväksi "Kimi ei koskaan hermostu missään tilanteessa eikä tunne lainkaan paineita"-määritteeksi tuota ei ole koskaan tarkoitettukaan, ja jos joku sen niin on ymmärtänyt, niin oma moka.


Well-known member
hki finland
Olen samaa mieltä kanssasi, erityisesti lihavoidusta kohdasta. Kuten Spriten mainoskin sanoo: image is everything. Kimin imago on rauhallinen ja jäänviileä mutta se ei tarkoita, että Kimi olisi sellainen persoonana ja etenkään kuskina. Itse asiassa Kimi on siviilissä pikemminkin temperamenttinen ja räiskyvä luonne kuin mikään rauhallinen hissukka. Itse tiedän tämän muutamien yhteisten kavereiden kautta mutta jokainen voi vetää omat johtopäätöksensä mm. seuraavista julkisuudessakin olleista tapahtumista: osallistuminen erilaisiin rämäpäisyyksiin kuten enduro, kelkkailu, prätkät, ratatoimitsijoiden töniminen, valokuvaajan töniminen, strippibaareissa pyöriminen, kosteat karaokeillat, gorillapuvussa pyöriminen pikaveneellä jne jne. Ei mikään näistä yksistään mutta kokonaisuudessa ei kyllä mitään "itse rauhallisuuden" toimintaa. Esim. juuri nuo tönimiset kertovat Kimin pinnasta jotakin. Tuskinpa ihan jokainen kuski olisi reagoinut tilanteisiin Kimin tavoin...

Nyt varmaan formulastara tai joku muu alkaa taas syyttää minua itkemisestä ja Kimin vihaamisesta ;)
Eipä tässä tarvitse itkemisestä syytellä, Oberwebel jo tuossa kiteyttikin aika hyvin asiaa. Olen myös taipuvainen uskomaan tallipäälliköiden, kisainssien ja muiden näkemystä asiasta, että Kimi on kylmänviileä kilpa-autoilija. Ennemmin kuin jonkun, jonka "objektivismin" läpi paistaa suurenmoinen onnentäyttymys aina, kun Kimille sattuu jotain negatiivista. Ja sitten ollaan loihtimassa jännittäviä johtopäätöksiä, mistä mikin negatiivinen asia mahtaa johtua.
Kuten todettua, Kimille sattui virheitä viime kaudella yllättävän paljon, mutta niin sattui muillekin. Ei kai ole mitään syytä olla uskomatta Kimin omia sanoja, kun kovasti yrittää niin joskus voi sattua huonosti. Tuskin tässä oikeasti kyse on jostain paineensietokyvyn ongelmista. Mutta Revolt saat toki uskoa niin, jos sulle tulee siitä parempi mieli.


Well-known member
hki finland
Niin, ja se vielä, että jos Kimi tönii jotain yli-innokasta ratatoimitsijaa tms. sen jälkeen kun auto on hajonnut jälleen kerran, niin miten tämä liittyy johonkin kiplailutilanteen paineensietokykyyn. Kun vituttaa niin vituttaa ja Kimi(ainakin ennen) antoi sen näkyä.

de rong

Kimin luonne saattaa aiheuttaa tulevaisuudessa ongelmia, varsinkin kun vastassa on hyvin mielistelevä ja silotellun julkisuuskuvan omaava lusikkapoju-Hamilton.


Well-known member
Kimin luonne saattaa aiheuttaa tulevaisuudessa ongelmia, varsinkin kun vastassa on hyvin mielistelevä ja silotellun julkisuuskuvan omaava lusikkapoju-Hamilton.
Radalla Kimillä on vastassa parikymmentä muutakin kuljettajaa. Julkisuuskisaan hän ei taida edes osallistua.


Kukas on se sitten se kylmän viilein kaveri? Niin, eipä tulekkaan mieleen juuri muita. Massa ja Hamilton töpeksivät jo viime kaudella niin paljon että Kubica taisteli miltei loppuun asti tittelistä.

de rong

Radalla Kimillä on vastassa parikymmentä muutakin kuljettajaa. Julkisuuskisaan hän ei taida edes osallistua.
Meinas jo joutua sillo 2004 vai oliko 05. Mutta sitten onkin ollut rauhallisempaa. Aika nuivastihan iltapäivälehdistö suhtautuu Kimiin esim.verrattuna Litmaseen.


Well-known member
Iltalehden nettisivuillakin oli tuosta Domenicalin lausunnosta jotain juttua.

"Ferrarin tallipäällikkö Stefano Domenicalin mielestä Kimi Räikkösellä on kyky sulkea kaikki ulkopuolinen mielestään. Tämän takia hän ei tunne paineita."

Olen kyllä vahvasti eri mieltä. Ei Räikkösen paineensietokyky edes ole mitenkään erikoinen. Päinvastoin näyttäisi jopa siltä, että Räikkösen paineensietokyky on keskimääräistä heikompi. Esim. viime kaudella lähes joka kisassa missä piti ihan tosissaan yrittää, niin Räikkönen sortui virheisiin ja käytännössä mureni palasiksi. Australia ja Belgia nyt tulee ensimmäisinä mieleen. Kyllä mäkin velä pari vuotta sitten pidin Räikköstä jäämiehenä, mutta enpä oikeastaan enää. Tämä koko jäämies-"gimmick" perustuu Räikkösen rauhalliseen ja pidättyväiseen esiintymiseen julkisuudessa, mutta ei sillä kyllä tosiasiassa ole yhtään mitään tekemistä sen kanssa millainen Räikkönen on F1-kuskina kun ajetaan kilpaa ja hermot pitäisi hallita täydellisesti.

Kimin viime kauden virheistä melkein kaikki tulivat tilanteessa, jossa ei enää ollut paineita. Monaco (Sutil) ja Signapore esimerkiksi. Kovan paineen alla ollessa en ainakaan muista Kimin tehneen suuremmin virheitä.


Kimin viime kauden virheistä melkein kaikki tulivat tilanteessa, jossa ei enää ollut paineita. Monaco (Sutil) ja Signapore esimerkiksi. Kovan paineen alla ollessa en ainakaan muista Kimin tehneen suuremmin virheitä.
Jos hakemalla hakee, niin Span voisi kyllä laskea sellaiseksi. En väitä, että virhe olisi johtunut paineista - koska ei mielestäni johtunutkaan - mutta sen voisi laskea sellaiseksi tilanteeksi.

de rong

Joskus vaan tuntuu et koko F1 on usein nykyään turhan ennalta-arvattavaa ja se aito kilpailu on kadonnu.


Well-known member
Joskus vaan tuntuu et koko F1 on usein nykyään turhan ennalta-arvattavaa ja se aito kilpailu on kadonnu.
Ootkos katsellut viime kausia? Pari hyvää kaveria näyttäis pesiytyneen pariin uuteen talliin. Joku Räikkönen Ferrarilla, yksi syntisen hyvä kuski Briteistä ja joku Vettel. On ollut melko tasastakin, mitä nyt yksi piste sinne tänne mestaruuksia ratkaistessa.
Mut siis muuten joo ihan samaa mieltä! Formula yksi autot ovat kuin käsi kirjoitettuja!!!1


de rong

Ootkos katsellut viime kausia? Pari hyvää kaveria näyttäis pesiytyneen pariin uuteen talliin. Joku Räikkönen Ferrarilla, yksi syntisen hyvä kuski Briteistä ja joku Vettel. On ollut melko tasastakin, mitä nyt yksi piste sinne tänne mestaruuksia ratkaistessa.
Mut siis muuten joo ihan samaa mieltä! Formula yksi autot ovat kuin käsi kirjoitettuja!!!1


Vähän kaiholla muistelen Häkkisen ja Schumin taistoja. Puhumattakaan kolmikon Senna-Prost-Mansell yhteenottoja. Niissä oli ajamisen meininkiä eikä käsikirjoituksen makua.

Schumista tuli 2000-luvulla ylivoimanen voittoautomaatti, taistelut Hillin kanssa oli sentään jotain vähemmän epätodellista.


Joskus vaan tuntuu et koko F1 on usein nykyään turhan ennalta-arvattavaa ja se aito kilpailu on kadonnu.
Mennyttä kautta nyt ei oikein parhaalla tahdollakaan voi kutsua ennalta-arvattavaksi. Toki Ferrarin ja McLarenin välinen mestaruustaistelu oli odotettavissa, mutta niinhän tuo on kärkisijojen suhteen ollut jo vuosikausia (mukaanlukien menneetkin vuosikymmenet). Mutta Räikkösen ja Kovalaisen vaisut esitykset, Vettelin voitto tai Kubican pysyminen mestaruustaistelussa tuskin olivat.

Jos homma olisi ennalta-arvattavaa, niin olisi helppoa tehdä rahaa veikkauspeleissä.


Q & A with Kimi Raikkonen By Simon Strang

Q. Kimi, last year there were rumours about you retirement. What are your plans?

Kimi RaikkonenKimi Raikkonen: There is speculation. There has always been speculation in Formula One. Of course these days it is always difficult in Formula One in every way, but I don't have pressure outside. I want to win and I give a hard time to myself and we'll see. Like I said there is a two years contract we'll see what happens after that.

Q. The new rules tend to favour a grippy front-end and produce an oversteery car. Is that a good thing for you?

KR: I think you can change the car a lot to how you like it and of course now the rules are slightly more difficult, with the weight and everything. It depends on the weight of the drivers how much we can change it, but if I can choose then definitely I prefer oversteer to understeer. I think that the tyres plays a big part of it also, I don't know exactly how the car will be, that's why we have to wait until next week when it will be slightly more easy to say. It all depends.

Q. Last year Luca di Montezemolo said that it was not you, but your brother driving, what do you think of this?

KR: I have one brother, but he definitely didn't drive the car! I read the same story, but he was joking and that's about it.

Q. Yesterday Stefano Domenicali mentioned that they tried to design the car more to suit you, can you explain what sort of input you have had into the design and how the team has worked with you in terms of how the car will be set-up?

KR: We worked all year together last year, we wanted something slightly different in some areas but of course it's difficult to make big changes during the year. We tried many things and we were talking about stuff we would like to try at least and see how it is, but for sure the whole year that we worked there is some ideas and like I said next year we will see how it worked. Definitely, everybody is pushing hard to improve.

Q. Which of the three new technologies, KERS, slicks or the aero regulations will be the most difficult to adapt to and why?

KR: Like I said, they are the biggest changes for many years in Formula One. I don't have an idea how it will be all together. We have tried the tyres, but it was last year's car. We tried to take the downforce off to get it more close to where it should be this year, but it is still not the same car so, with everything together we should know better next week. But it is interesting and hopefully it will improve the racing, and that will be much better for all of us.

For sure it will be difficult for the teams to get everything working well together - we don't have much testing before the season, and no testing during the season. So it is up to the teams, and it will be whoever gets everything working and gets the best out of the package. But I don't know what it feels like because I haven't driven the car. We will have to wait and see.

Q. There have been changes to the team structure, including Chris Dyer moving to a new job. So you have a new race engineer, how is that relationship developing?

KR: I have been working with him for two years, like I have with Chris. It's nothing strange, but need new challenges. We had a good time with Chris, of course we won in the first and year and didn't last year, but it is nothing to do with that we couldn't have worked, like people have said. We have a very good relationship, but unfortunately sometimes people want to try something different.

I know Andrea (Stella) very well. I have been working with him as long as I have with Chris. We did the test together and it seems to be okay and I'm expecting to have a good year with him. And Chris is there doing different things but he is still pushing for the whole team to improve and get better so, it is not a big change in the end.

Q. You are not anymore the world champion, has that changed your life and approach to racing?

KR: I am still (a world champion), just not last year, but no it hasn't. It didn't changed my life at all even when I won the previous year. People always expect you to do well, win races and win championships so, in that way it doesn't really change anything. Hopefully this year we can improve it again and be up there and at least fight for it and we will go from there.

Q. You won in your first season, when you approached your second did you not consider Massa as a great competitor, but now that Massa has developed a lot, how do you approach the season that you have a teammate that was much stronger than before?

KR: I wouldn't say that I didn't expect him to be strong. I mean we were fighting the first year all the time. We were similar points, it was very late in the (2007) season when it went my way, and it was a similar situation last year. It went one way then it turned around and went this way, so it has really been more-or-less similar both years, so it was nice to see him have a very good season. So I have no reason to change my way of doing things this year than in the past, he has always been a strong, fast guy so we will see what happens this year.

Q. Do you think you were fairly represented by the press coverage last year, or do you think you were just unlucky?

KR: No for sure, I made some mistakes and the team made some mistakes at some points, but that is part of racing. Everybody makes mistakes and we go through the bad and the good times together. Sometimes there is luck involved but also the luck comes from how you work, sometimes it is with you and sometimes against you. It is up to me and the guys around me to get the best out of it. Sometimes you are lucky, sometimes not, but it doesn't change anything anymore so if it is something to do with luck, then hopefully this year we will have it.

Q. What can you promise the Ferrari fans for this year, and secondly what was the turning point that lost you the championship last year?

KR: First of all, we made some wrong choices and some mistakes. And then it took too long to recover from those. But there is no point to talk about last year, that is past, and we can't change it anymore. And the other question... I always try to win and hopefully we can win championships this year, but I'm not going to promise anything and put my hand on my heart because maybe it won't happen. We are just going to try and do the best weekend and be back on the top podium position. Like I said it is still early days so we need to do the work and hopefully it will work out.

Q. Kimi, do you have any reservations about KERS safety?

KR: You hear a lot of things and one guy got an electric shock at BMW, but I think the team for sure knows what is safe and what isn't, and if it wasn't safe we wouldn't put it in the car risk anybody getting hurt. For me it is okay, if we get more horsepower out of it and we get everything working well, I think it is a good thing.

Q. Would gold medals motivate you more for race wins, or do you feel motivated enough?

KR: Whether they are medals or trophies doesn't make any difference, if you win, you win. That's what is everybody wants and everybody likes so if you get a gold medal out of it or a big trophy it makes no difference. You want the maximum points and the feeling from the win so I don't think it changes anything at all.

Q. What's your feeling about the in-season testing ban, you'll have more time for your life, but less time to develop the car?

KR: It's the same for everybody, these are the new rules in Formula One. It's a big change for everyone and it is to try and save money. If the car is quick straight away then I have no issues at all, it's a good thing. But if the team's have problems then it is going to be very difficult to fix them because you won't have any testing or time on the circuit to try things. We will see how it goes, for sure the team will come it with some things, so we will not have so much time off. We will still be developing the car and putting new things on the car on Fridays. Of course there will be less driving than this year, but a lot will have to do with how quick the car is straight away.

Q. So how will you approach your weekends, taking into account the fact that you will do development testing on Fridays?

KR: I don't know how we are going to work the whole weekend through, but I think it is going to be slightly different than the last few years, because of the rule changes. For sure we have time enough to fix the set-up and try different things. That's how it has been last year and the year before, the Friday's more trying things and try to find better set-ups, but also we have been bringing in new parts and trying them. Probably Fridays will be more like a test day now, but we will see how it goes. For sure the team has an idea how we are going to run our weekends through, but I don't know we haven't gone through it yet.

Q. You recently met the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, what can you tell us about this meeting?

KR: I was asked to go there and meet him and we had some talks together. It was nice to meet him, he seems to be a very open and nice guy. That's about it.

Q. What do you think about having your salary capped?

KR: There has always been a lot of talk but I don't think it is going to happen.

Q. But in a world where we have serious economic problems and people losing their jobs, do you think it's justified that you are paid the kind of money you get paid?

KR: I don't really want to get involved in the whole thing so…



Q. You will probably have to use the car simulator more this year because of the testing ban, but we know that you don't like this tool. Will this be a problem for you this year?

KR: We are going to get a new one this year and at some point this will improve the situation. Some areas maybe you learn something out it, some not. I don't know, I've no plans to be there every second day so we'll see how it works.

Q. Does it help you to have a teammate that is up there pushing at the front, does it help and encourage you? And as a former world champion, do you think that Lewis Hamilton will be under more pressure this year having won the title?

KR: I don't think it is going to affect him. He's always been strong so I expect him to be strong this year also. People always say that if you have a strong teammate it helps you to go faster, but I think you always try to go as fast as you can and there other people that you need to beat also so you cannot just drive slow if you have a slow teammate.

The team expect you to win races so that is my aim, and I have never really felt that if you have a strong teammate you go even faster, you always try to go as fast as you can.

Q. With regards to your salary, you say you don't want to get involved in that. But that could be viewed by the outside world as slightly arrogant way of viewing that when there are thousands of people losing their jobs and you are paid millions. How can you say it is right that you earn all that money in this sort of climate that we are in?

KR: That's why I said I don't want to get involved in this talk with you because I know that you will try to find some bad out of it. I have always said that I am not interested in getting involved in this type of conversation.

Q. There will be no French Grand Prix this year or next year, do you regret that and what do you think about the Magny-Cours circuit?

KR: For me it was quite a nice place and the circuit was nice to race. Of course I think for some people it was in the middle of nowhere but for us it was quite a relaxing. So I actually quite liked the place so it is a shame that we don't have the race anymore but hopefully it will come back some time.

Q. Kimi, you've said you'll carry on in F1 as long as you enjoy it. How much are you enjoying it at the moment with all the appearances you have to make and the stuff you have to do away from the car?

KR: Like I said before I wouldn't be here if I didn't have the motivation or the hunger to be here anymore in F1. Even the last year wasn't exactly what we wanted, it doesn't change how much I like F1. I enjoy it. I have great team behind me and they let me go quite easily with the other things and they make everything as easy for everybody as they can.

I'm in a very good position in that way and I'm very happy to work with the team so. I mean I am now in a contract for this year and next year and then I will see how I feel, how how the Formula One is going and then decide about the future.

Q. Do you think Fernando Alonso can be a title contender this year and also Stefano Domenicali says you live on your own planet, how is the life on your planet?

KR: It's good! I have nothing to complain about. About Fernando, everybody knows that he is a good driver, but it depends a lot how good a car (Renault) make, last year they made it stronger than it was at the beginning. So if they have improved in the same way, they will be there up front fighting for the races, but I think we need to wait and see how all the teams compare against each other then it is more easy to see who is the favourite for the championship.

Q. You are doing the Arctic Rally. Would you do more of that if you were able to?

KR: I don't know really. It's no secret that I like the rally and it is something I always wanted to do, since I was a kid. I am happy to have a chance to do it, we will see what happens. I have no experience of it so hopefully I don't need to make too much snow work when I get there. We will see what happens in the future.

Q. Does the team mind you doing it?

KR: The team is quite open to what I can do, there are a lot of hobbies that I like that are maybe not the most safest things, but I always try not to take any risks and I am happy that they allow me to do it. I think it helps in every way, everybody is happy and it is good practice if you drive anything, go-kart, rally, any kind of driving. It is always going to help you in your own work so it's not a bad thing.

Q. For two years there have been rumours about Alonso and Ferrari, but there are never rumours about Raikkonen and another team, is this because you have ruled out the possibility of switching teams again or not?

KR: I said already that this is probably my last team that I am going to race with in Formula One. I am very happy and I have no reason to go anywhere else. I mean everybody knows that I have a contract for this year and next year and for sure people will not talk about you going somewhere else if they know you have a contract so… I don't mind, I am very happy here and it is an easy thing to say that I want to stay here.

Q. Maybe this is a crazy question, but can you describe to the people outside how it looks on your planet?

KR: I think people take that a different way from what Stefano meant. I am still here so. I just like to keep my things private and I don't really want to show it to people so probably he meant that more.

Q. In a time of economic gloom, is it positive to have a new Grand Prix coming up in Abu Dhabi, and what are views for the championship?

KR: It is definitely not easy for Formula One with the economic crisis, but it is also not easy for anybody in normal life. I think when Abu Dhabi decided to come to F1 this kind of thing wasn't happening. So I hope that they can finish everything and make a nice race for us. I have seen the plan and what they have built so far and it looks very nice. I am very happy to go there and have a race there, but for sure it is not the easiest time for them either, or for F1 to go there. But I am looking forward to go there anyway.

Q. Michael Schumacher will now continue with the team for a third year as an advisor, do you think his presence in the team has been positive?

KR: Definitely nothing negative. He has a lot of experience as we've seen, and I think he is going to play a similar part as the last two years, and I think he still has a contract with the team for this year. You really need to ask him and the team what exactly his part is, but he is not going to harm the team so for sure it is a good thing.


Räikkösellä on pitkä matka parhaaseen titteliin. Minusta nyt voisi puheet lopettaa ja alkaa näyttöjen puhua puolestaan. Jos Massa pesee lattiaa seuraavallakin kaudella, Kimi muistetaan kiukuttelevasta pikkukakarasta, jolle kyllä pitää maksaa maltaita, mutta julkisuudessa ei viitsitä esiintyä muussa kuin gorillapuvussa ja jolle Massa säälistä lahjoitti MM:n.

Jos minä olisin Ferrarin pomo, minä pistäisin hänet paljon kovempaan pressiin. Nyt suhtaudutaan liian ymmärtävästi laiskaan jäämieheen. "Jäämiestä" pitää vähän herätellä.

de rong

Räikkösellä on pitkä matka parhaaseen titteliin. Minusta nyt voisi puheet lopettaa ja alkaa näyttöjen puhua puolestaan. Jos Massa pesee lattiaa seuraavallakin kaudella, Kimi muistetaan kiukuttelevasta pikkukakarasta, jolle kyllä pitää maksaa maltaita, mutta julkisuudessa ei viitsitä esiintyä muussa kuin gorillapuvussa ja jolle Massa säälistä lahjoitti MM:n.

Jos minä olisin Ferrarin pomo, minä pistäisin hänet paljon kovempaan pressiin. Nyt suhtaudutaan liian ymmärtävästi laiskaan jäämieheen. "Jäämiestä" pitää vähän herätellä.
Pahoin pelkään et Räikkönen on niin viinaan menevä mies et se lopullinen tähtistatus jää saavuttamatta. Ilman viinaa ja paremmalla työmoraalilla mies olis lähellä legendojen statusta.

Massan nousu F1-eliittiin on yllätys, toki alla on huippunopea Ferrari mut siltikin hiukan yllätyin et on mm.Barrichelloon nähden aivan er luokan jätkä. Tai sitten Barrichello joutui Schumin valta-aseman uhriksi.


Well-known member
Joo, aika perussettiä taas tuo haastattelu. "Viime vuosi meni vähän huonosti, tänä vuonna koitetaan parantaa, teen aina parhaani ja haluan voittaa".

Niinpä niin... Ja sitten tietty kauden 2009 heikkojen esitysten jälkeen selitys on taas se, että renkaat eivät luonnollisesti sopineet herran ajotyylille.
Ei avoinna uusille viesteille.