Monzan sää, ennustukset torstailta
Torstain raportti viikonlopulle
Monza ei varmana ihan ensimmäisenä tule mieleen kun sadekisoista puhutaan. Mutta kappas kappas, sellainen meille tässä on todennäköisimmin tarjolla.
Eri lähteet tietävät kertoa seuraavaa, jälleen kerran ristiriitaisesti: Perjantaiaamuna kevyttä sadetta (3mm sadetta), päivällä kevyttä sadetta (1mm), illalla kevyttä sadetta (4mm), lauantaiaamuna kevyttä sadetta (3mm), lauantaipäivällä sadetta (7mm), lauantai-iltana pilvistä, sunnuntaiaamulla ja päivällä selkeää. Suurin osa sateesta lauantaipäivällä.
3B Meteo: Perjantaiaamuna sadetta 4-10mm (70%), lauantaina vettä tulee läpi päivän aina 20mm:n asti (70%), sunnuntaiaamuna 0-3mm (60%)
BBC: Perjantaista sunnuntaihin sadekuuroja
Foreca: Pe 02.00 (6h) 0,6mm, pe 08.00 (6h) 0,3mm, pe 14.00 (6h) 1,7mm,
pe 20.00 (6h) 2,3mm, la 02.00 (6h) 10,5mm, la 08.00 (6h) 1,1mm, la 14.00 (6h) 1,6mm, la 20.00 (6h) 3,9mm, su 02.00 (6h) 5,4mm, su 08.00 (6h) 1,6mm, su 14.00 (6h): 0,3mm
Weather Underground: Perjantaina sadetta (80%), lauantaina sadetta (30%), sunnuntaina selkeää
Excite Italia: Sadetta perjantaista sunnuntaihin 80 prosentin todennäköisyydellä
Unusually, this may be a race at the famed Autodrome in which the weather plays a role. Thursday will be partly cloudy with an ambient temperature high of 27 degrees Celsius, but there is a possibility of showers for the following three days. On Friday and Saturday the temperature high will drop to 25 and 21 degrees respectively, rising again to 27 on race day.
Forecasts of a wet weekend are beginning to subside slightly as the Formula One community gathers in the Parco di Monza, ahead of round 14 of the 2008 World Championship - the Santander Italian Grand Prix.
A low pressure system, developing over northern France, is set to move south-east towards Italy on Friday and Saturday, bringing with it showers and some longer spells of rain. On Sunday the low centre is predicted to sit over the north-west corner of Italy.
Although the chances of rain remain high, the overall volume of rain that was predicted 24 hours ago for the east side of France, Switzerland and northern Italy, is now slightly less.
On Friday morning, with the full effect of the weather yet to reach the circuit, the first practice session should take place in dry and increasingly cloudy conditions. During the afternoon practice session, the risk of showers will increase. The warm temperatures seen over much of Italy will continue on Friday at least, with a maximum of 27 degrees Celsius.
Later in the afternoon on Friday and through the evening, scattered showers are forecast, before a large belt of heavy rain moves in on Saturday morning.
Saturday now looks like the worst of the three days, with rain arriving reasonably early in the morning - around the time of the third practice session. Conditions will deteriorate quickly as the band of wet weather moves from west to east, with the heaviest of any rain reserved for around midday, just as we move towards the qualifying session.
Rain is expected to fall for much of the day, with the risk lowering to scattered showers on Saturday evening. The maximum temperature will be a few degrees cooler, peaking at 23 Celsius.
Sunday is still a little way off at this stage, but the latest forecasts currently show that the clearing picture will continue overnight into raceday, with further showers expected on Sunday morning. Throughout the day the rain risk increases yet again as the last of the rain starts to move in from eastern France. The temperature on Sunday is expected to be 21 degrees Celsius.
Jarno Trulli, torstain pressitilaisuudessa:
Q: What about the possibility of rain here?
JT: There is a high chance of rain. I can say this is not the best place to race with rain but we have to deal with it.