FOM improper use of DMCA to enforce trademarks
Formula One Management Ltd is starting to get tough with social media sites and twitter handles which use F1 as part of their name. TJ13 decided to investigate the matter and have spoken to a number of those contacted by Bernie’s Bullies and a common theme is revealed.
Some of the internet websites and twitter handles who have been contacted about their use of word marks are, @formula1blog, @F1extra (Now @Motorsportsextra), F1 in Pubs (Now Motorsports in Pubs), The F1 Times (Now Grand Prix Times), @Formula1Dragon, @sp_FormulaOne, @FollowFormulaOne, @ThePitStopKid, @deFormula_1 @FordRSEurope. There are others we have not named due to the sensitive information they provided TJ13 with.
Even when just writing about Formula One, people have to be careful as in editorial pieces as even the word mark F1 is protected.