Paskan tasapainon ylläpitämiseksi tässä on muutama lyhenne, joilla voi päteä:
IB Isobar
IBC International Boundary Commission (U.S.-Canada)
IBDF Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal
IBG Inst. of British Geographers
IBGE Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estadistica
IBIS Image-Based Information System
IBM International Business Machines (corp.); International boundary marker
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
IBSP Idaho Bureau of State Planning
IBWC International Boundary and Water Commission (Mexico-U.S.)
IC Integrated circuit(s)
ICA International Cartographic Assn. = Assn. Cartographique Internationale
ICACET International Cartographic Assn. Committee on Training
ICAITI Instituto Centro Americano de Investigacion y Tecnica Industrial
OSGB Ordnance Survey (U.K.)
OSI Open Systems Interconnect model; Open Systems Interconnection
OSIP Operational Satellite Improvement Program
OSLS Oklahoma Society of Land Surveyors
OSM Office of Surface Mining
OSNI Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
OSOA Optimal Statistical Objective Analysis
OSP Office of State Planning
OSPE Ohio Society of Professional Engineers
OSS Office of Strategic Services (U.S.)
OSSI Optronic Sensor for Stereo Imagery
OSTA Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications (NASA)
OSTF Ordnance Survey Transfer Format
OSTZ Osterreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt
OSU Oregon State University
OSW Office of Saline Water; Office of Surface Water
OTA Office of Technology Assessment
OTC Over-the-counter; Office for Topography and Cartography (Tunisia)
OTF On-the-fly
OTH Over the horizon
OTHT Over the horizon targeting
O.U. Open under
OUCLS Ontario Universities' Library Cooperative System
OUO Official use only
OVN Optical visible near-infrared
OW Oil well
OWDC Office of Water Data Coordination
OWRD Oregon Water Resources Dept.
P Precision
Pa. Pennsylvania
PA Pennsylvania
PAA Priority abatement areas
PAAD Program Acronyms, Abbreviations and Definitions
PAC Photo Annotation/Classification; Publications Advisory Committee (WAML)
PACOG Pueblo Area Council of Governments
PACON Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology
PADCO Planning and Development Cooperative International
PAGIS Planning and Geographic Information Systems (Hawaii); Pulaski (County, Ark.) Area Geographic Information System
PAIGH Pan-American Inst. of Geography and History
PAL Prime agricultural lands
PALIS Ponds and Lakes Information System
PAM Port-A-Meter; Point access methods
PAN Polska Akademia Nauk
PAPS Pooled Analytical Plotter System
PAS Pacific Aerial Surveys
PASDA Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access system
PASP Planning and Analysis Section
PASS Precision Aerial Survey System (3Di)
PAT Polygon Attribute Table
PAVE Package for Analysis and Visualization of Environmental Data
Pbf Personenbahnhof = Passenger railway station
PBM Portable Bitmap (format)
PBO Performance-based organization
PBS Primary Base Series (USFS)
PC Personal Computer; Principal components
PCC Professional competency credit
RADEF Road Administration Data Exchange Format
RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (GPS)
RALI Resource and Land Information; Resource and Land Investigations (program LIA)
RALS Random access logical subfiles
RAM Random access memory
RAP Regional applications program
RAPID Rapid Application Planning Implementation and Deployment (GeoData Solutions, Inc.)
RAS Remote Analysis Systems
RASC Royal Australian Survey Corps
RASVY Royal Australian Survey Corps
RATP Regie autonome des transports parisiens
RBDS Radio broadcast data system
RBE Rule-Base Engine
RBI River Basin Investigation
RBMS Relational Database Management System
RBV Return Beam Vidicon
RCA Radio Corporation of America
RCC Regional census center
RCH Reach
RCIC Regional Coastal Information Center
SAE Survey Agro Ekonomi (Indonesia)
SAF Society of American Foresters
SAFOD San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth
SAGA Short Arc Geodetic Adjustment (doppler)
SAGEEP Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems
SAIC Science Applications International Corp.
SaLIS Surveying and Land Information Systems (journal)
SALT Salina
SAM Spatial access methods
SAMAB Southern Appalachian Man and Biosphere (project)
SAMSOG Surveying and Mapping Society of Georgia
SANDAG San Diego Association of Governments
SANAIS South African Natural Areas Information System
SAR Synthetic aperture radar
SARM Spatial Auto-Regressive Model
SA/S Source Aquisition Segment
SAST Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team (U.S.)
SAT Small area triangulation
SAW Spill analysis workstation; Surface acoustic wave
SAZU Slovenske Akademije Znanosti in Umetnosti = Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Art
SB Survey of Bangladesh
SBAS School Boundary Analysis System (GeoSpatial Technologies)
SBCDP Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program (U.S.)
SBM Surveys and Mapping Branch (Manitoba)
SBUV Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (spectrometer)
sc. Sculpsit = engraver
SC South Carolina
S.C. South Carolina
S/C Spacecraft
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCAMP Southern California Aerial Mapping Project
SCAN Surface Condition Analyzer (Surface Systems Inc)
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