Prodrive voi menettää 300 000€ ilmottautumismaksunsa
Koska Prodrive ei ota osaa ensivuoden F1 sarjaan saattaa seurata vakavia seuraamuksia. Tallihan valittiin 22 hakijasta mutta ei ota osaa sarjaan.
Loput 21 hakiaa voivat nostaa jutusta älläkän. Jokatapauksessa voidaan odottaa penaltia....
First consequence: "You have 300,000 euros paid enrollment, which they probably will lose. But that it has, I think," said FIA-Präsident Max Mosley to 'The Paddock'. Further consequences were only too worried if one of the existing teams should intervene, or perhaps one of the other candidates in the selection procedure has been eliminated.
According to Mosley Prodrive could try 2009 a renewed attempt to start, even if it is the FIA has no guarantees: "David has me guarantees asked, but I had to answer him that there are no guarantees.
FIA kierii kohta rahoissa.... hetken aikaa...