Säätiedotukset GP-viikonlopuille

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Kuten ennustettiinkin, Fujissa yön sateet saattavat tuoda kolmanteen harjoitussessioon märän tai kostean radan. Aika-ajot ajettaneen kuitenkin kuivalla mitä luultavimmin...

Light showers passed over the Fuji Speedway in the evening. The first batch of showers moved through quickly, leaving a largely dry night across the area.

However, the picture has developed out west as the original band of showers has split into two. As dawn breaks this morning there is heavy overcast cloud cover over the circuit, with the second batch of showers due to move into the area imminently, having stalled slightly once hitting the western fringes of Japan last night.

In summary, a band of showers is now heading towards the circuit, but is losing intensity as it moves east. Light rain showers are possible for the next few hours, with just under five hours remaining before the start of the third and final practice session.


Well-known member
näyttää kostealta. jos on märkää kimi vikisee ja tippuu kolmannesta osiosta. ai niin tää olikin säätierotusosio


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Huominen Fujin kisa ajetaan 100% varmuudella kuivalla, näillä näkymin myös ensi viikon Kiinan GP:tä edeltävät päivät Shanghaissa näyttävät kuivilta ja selkeiltä aina perjantaihin asti ulottuvissa ennusteissa.


melkein mestari
On ollut jo niin paljon sadekisoja, että eiköhän pilvet ole jo rutikuiviksi puristettu.


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Kiinan GP

Autosport lupaa tässä vaiheessa kuivaa, lämmintä viikkoa Shanghaihin, mutta toteaa samalla että sunnuntaille on olemassa mahdollisuudet sateelle. Weather Undergroundin mukaan mahdollisuudet sunnuntain sateelle ovat tässä vaiheessa 20%, mutta kuten aina, ennustukset näin varhaisessa vaiheessa tuppaavat usein vielä muuttua lähestyttäessä kisaa.

Throughout the week the weather is set fair with an abundance of warm, pleasant sunshine, no rain, and maximum temperatures that will remain constant at between 23 and 25 degrees Celsius. Confidence in the forecast for the next five days is high, with weather-forecast.com reflecting the call for settled weather over the next few days.

But, as we mentioned, just maybe there is a surprise in store for raceday. While temperatures are expected to remain on the warm side, cloud is forecast to build on Sunday, with a possibility of some light rain. Two separate weather forecasting models predict this change in conditions.

We must stress at this stage that confidence in the Sunday forecast from six days out is low, and more time is needed to establish exactly what the outcome will be. Some changes are expected throughout this week with reference to the Sunday forecast.


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Kisaviikonloppu lähestyy, ja vaikka viikko Shanghaissa näyttää muuten perin kuivalta, on sunnuntaiksi siis edelleen mahdollisuudet sateeseen.

Weather-forecast.com lupaa tässä vaiheessa sunnuntaiaamuksi vettä 2mm ja päiväksi 3mm (enemmän kuin eilen luvattiin), Weather Underground sanoo sademahdollisuuksien olevan edelleen 20% luokkaa. Accuweather enteili pari päivää sitten ukkosmyrskyn mahdollisuuden olevan sunnuntaille 6%, mutta nyt sivustolla lukee 25%. Autosport tietää kertoa:

Eastern China is enjoying a period of dry and settled weather this week, as the Formula One teams continue setting up the garages ahead of the event, with temperatures in the mid-twenties Celsius range along with sunny periods and some patchy cloud.

Friday and Saturday are expected to continue the trend, with near-perfect conditions and a maximum temperature of 24 degrees.

The news on Tuesday is that light showers are possible on Sunday for the race, as a band of cloud and light rain is forecast to move in from the south and the East China Sea.

Any showers could of course be pivotal to the outcome of the world championship.
Seurataan tilanteen kehitystä.


Shangaissa useat mutkat ajetaan niin rajoilla (mm. pääsuoralle avautuva vasen) että tuollainen tihkusade saattaa aiheuttaa aikamoisia yllätyksiä. :rolleyes:


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*Weather Underground on vahvistanut epäilyjään sateen tulosta, sanoen sateen mahdollisuuksien lauantaiyönä olevan 20% ja sunnuntaipäivänä 40%.
*Accuweather on muuttanut sunnuntain ennustuksensa aurinkoisesta ilmoitukseen "a little morning rain" ja sademäärän olevan 0,5mm.
*Forecakin on herännyt, ja lupaa tällaisia sademääriä sunnuntain varalle: klo 08 (6h) 6,4mm, klo 14 (6h) 10,6mm, klo 20 (6h) 0,4mm. Myös lauantain varalle oli pieniä sademääriä luvattu.

With less than 36 hours to go until the action begins, forecasts continue to call for dry practice and qualifying sessions, followed by a damp Sunday as we approach the 2008 Sinopec Chinese Grand Prix weekend.

Twelve points separate three drivers with two rounds to go, and clearly any wet weather could have a significant impact on the destination of both the drivers' and constructors' championships.

For a couple of days, we have focused on model predictions showing showers and light rain on Sunday. These computer model forecasts are the benchmark for almost all mainstream five-day predictions, and these sites produce their forecast to suit.

Today, there is little change to the weather forecast for Sunday, with around four millimetres of light rain shown by weather-forecast.com, and weathercity.com who both use the GFS-based data that we reference against.

Rain is not uncommon at the Shanghai International Circuit. In 2006, showers swept across the city on raceday from west to east - the result of a weak weather system that came from central China. Just last year, the outlying showers ahead of Typhoon Krosa moved north-west from Taiwan, up the coastline giving us another memorable event.

This year, the predicted rainfall on Sunday is set to come from a gradual build-up of cloud in the East China Sea that slowly moves west towards the Chinese coast on race morning.

Do bear in mind that a change to the forecast could still occur, as this predicted area of rain does not cover an especially large area of land.
Ross Brawn sanoi:
"The weather forecast for the week ahead looks mixed with a high chance of showers over the weekend, so that may throw up a few on-track surprises and make for an exciting weekend."


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Updatea taas... sunnuntain sade vaikuttaa nyt hieman epätodennäköisemmältä.

Autosport sanoi:
Tomorrow, the race weekend will start in earnest with the usual pair of practice sessions, and the forecast for the first day's running is for dry and mainly bright conditions, with plenty of sunshine around and a maximum temperature reaching 26 degrees Celsius. During prolonged sunshine, the track surface temperature is expect to push up into the 35 degree range.

Saturday is currently tipped to be mainly sunny, although some forecasts are beginning to turn in the last 24 hours, predicting an outside chance of a shower around early afternoon.

For raceday, the latest news at the time of writing is that the light rain and showers we have monitored throughout this week have become less likely
according to the latest run of the Global Forecast System (GFS) and other weather forecast models. We should mention that the models are being analysed by us for the circuit itself, rather than the distant Shanghai city centre as used by the mainstream forecasts.

The chance of light rain showers on Sunday has reduced as things stand at the moment, although the detail of the forecast will likely evolve further as the weather models crunch the numbers again and again over the coming days
- their predictions continually shaped by weather station samples of the actual conditions.


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Sunnuntaina ehkä sadetta ja märkä rata, myös huomiselle pienet mahdollisuudet tihkusateeseen:

We move into a Saturday and Sunday where the forecasts have changed in detail repeatedly over the last 48 hours.

Tonight, cloud will build leading to an overcast but mainly dry night. Saturday morning is expected to dawn dry, and the morning practice session will take place again in dry conditions.

Opinion is split regarding what will happen next. Some sources indicate light rain for qualifying, whereas some are going for a drier forecast. Based on the latest forecast models published on Friday, we expect a dry qualifying session with a maximum temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.

Sunday should also dawn dry - but later, towards the end of the morning, light rain showers are possible as predictions revert back to a damp forecast for the race.

J.J Pulli

Well-known member
V-City, Turku
Sadehan vois olla siitä hyvä, että eräs nimeltä mainitsematon McLaren-pilotti saattais ajaa väärillä renkailla liian pitkään.... :thumbup:

Deep Throat

Well-known member
Hyvin mielenkiintoista...harmi vain, että Mclaren taitaa olla sitten vahvoilla. Näinkö sitten voidaan taputella Hamiltonille mestaruus?


Well-known member
taputella Hamiltonille mestaruus?
Jos nyt ei taputeltaisi mitään ennen ruutulippua, venttiilitön painekattila saattaa räjähtää koska tahansa. ;) Toivottavasti tulisi sadetta, ei näytä olevan ohituspaikkoja tuolla Kiinassa. Juuri tuollainen märkä rata ja tihkusade olisi paras.
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Sunnuntain sää

Vieläkään ei ole varmuutta millainen sää huomiseksi on tulossa. Sade on joka tapauksessa edelleen hyvin mahdollinen. Koska en noihin Weather Undergroundeihin ja Forecoihin enää niin järkyttävästi luota, katsotaan mitä Autosport jälleen kerran luotettavasti lupaa. Huomenna voi olla joko täysin kuivaa, pientä tihkusadetta tai jossain epätodennäköisessä skenaariossa myös rankempaa sadetta. Toisin kuin mainstream säälähteet, Autosport ottaa vissiin tietonsa radalta suoraan, ei kaupungeista.

For many days the forecasts for race day have featured showers and damp conditions. Tomorrow morning is expected to dawn dry and fairly bright. However, cloud will build in the morning, coinciding with a rise in convective potential energy.

Convective energy is what typically produces thundery showers. A scenario develops where clouds build during the day, with a thundery shower in the afternoon or evening. This rise has been anticipated throughout most of this week, and has resulted in some mainstream weather sources publishing a forecast of scattered thunderstorms.

The map shown below represents the latest predictions for rain in the hours covering the race. Bear in mind that the total amount of rainfall that has been predicted all week is relatively low, compared for example with what we saw earlier this year at Monaco, Silverstone or Monza.

The rainfall projection for the circuit itself tomorrow is low, at between one and two millimetres for the whole day. This effectively means the track is at risk of light showers in the lead up to - and during - the race. Although the intensity of rain is predicted to be very light, the track is expected to lie between two larger areas of rain and the heavier showers could move in at any time during the afternoon. Equally it is possible that the circuit could dodge the showers as they pass to the north and south. Either way, the situation will become clear in the morning when the progression of the rain can be tracked on radar.

When asked about the prospect of rain after qualifying this afternoon, Nico Rosberg said: "It is going to be difficult again tomorrow starting from 15th. It's not where I want to be, but tomorrow it should be raining, so that gives us a little bit of a chance to do something."

Temperatures will not be affected by the onset of cloud and possible showers, with a maximum of 26 degrees Celsius on the cards.

Tomorrow, we will all see if the predicted showers appear or not.
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Rekisteröitynyt käyttäjä
Eiköhän Hamilton ole melko varma kisan voittaja jos sadetta saadaan...


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Kuten ennustettua, Shanghaissa päivä on tähän asti ollut kuiva ja pilvinen, kevyt sade on kuitenkin edelleen hyvin mahdollinen iltapäivää/iltaa lähestyessä.

Conditions remain dry and actually slightly brighter than they were a couple of hours ago.

The risk of light rain showers is currently reducing, with the improving conditions suggesting that the circuit is avoiding the worst of today's weather, at least for the moment.

The air and track temperatures are on the rise currently, with the ambient topping everyone's projections at 28 degrees Celsius, and a track temperature of 34 degrees.
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