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Hotlamme on Limonessa, mutta auto on käytössä koko viikon ajan ja reissailemme sillä sinne sun tänne.

Mutta jos ei muuten, ennakkotiedusteluja voimme tehdä, jos siitä jotain iloa/apua olisi.

Lisäohjeita sitten vaan kaipailisin, jos tästä jotenkin homma etenee.


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Mutta jos kelpaa ja onnistuu, sekä sopii jotenkin aikatauluumme, voisin jeesata kuvien muodossa.

Hotlamme on Limonessa, mutta auto on käytössä koko viikon ajan ja reissailemme sillä sinne sun tänne.

Mutta jos ei muuten, ennakkotiedusteluja voimme tehdä, jos siitä jotain iloa/apua olisi.

Lisäohjeita sitten vaan kaipailisin, jos tästä jotenkin homma etenee.
Blogin idis on tosiaan siinä, että omat kuvat ja omat kokemukset.

Mutta: itseasiassa Gardajärvi on ollut harkinnassa ensi kesälle, ja olisi suureksi avuksi, jos voit kertoa kokemuksistasi siellä,
ja kuvat voi laittaa meille muuten helpottamaan matkasuunnitteluamme, vaikka emme niitä blogiin voi laittaakaan. Kiinnostaa hintataso,
liikenne, autonvuokrat, teidän majoitus jne.

Tässä Gardajärvi ja 007-kytköksiä, jos menette täällä päin:

Given an inexplicably cool reception by the critics, the sequel to Casino Royale belts along at a cracking pace, clocking in as the shortest of the Bonds, and continues the unfinished business of Casino Royale.

The frantic road chase, as Bond (Daniel Craig) delivers the hapless Mr White to the secret MI6 lair, is alongside Lake Garda in northern Italy. It begins toward the north of the lake, on its eastern shore at the village of Malcesine, heading north on the lakeside road SS249, Via Gardesana Centro, through and Navene and Tempesta, before heading west around the north of the lake at Riva del Garda.

The chase roars south along the western shore toward Salò (yes, that’s the same town which Pier Paolo Pasolini chose as the setting for Salò, his transposition of the Marquis de Sade’s notorious 120 Days of Sodom).

Bond mysteriously arrives about 100 miles to the south, at the quarries of Carrara, southeast of La Spezia in the Apuan Alps of Tuscany. Since Roman times, they have supplied the best quality marble to Italy’s most famous sculptors – including Michelangelo. Hardly surprising, then, that they feature again in historical biopic The Agony and the Ecstasy, with Charlton Heston as the tortured artist. You can take a trip up to see the quarries – the ones seen in the film are Canalgrande and Fantiscritti.

The centre of this beautiful Medieval hilltown town is a World Heritage Site, where the 13th century Piazza del Campo – the main square – hosts the traditional Palio di Siena twice a year. This raucous bareback horsrerace, featured in the film as a colourful background, is held on July 2 and August 16. Entrance is free but, as you can see, the crowds mean you'll be lucky to get a good view of the race. Your best bet is to plan ahead and book a room overlooking the Piazza.

Although the race footage seen in the film is the real thing, it was shot some months before principal photography began, and craftily edited into the action.

Amazingly, the ensuing chase across the tiles above the city was not faked in the studio, but filmed on the actual rooftops of Siena (don’t worry – despite appearances, precautions were taken to avoid any damage to the historic buildings).

Tämmöinenkin on kiinnostava, kertokaa, jos huomaatte tämän olevan vielä ajankohtaista:

Tässä vielä:Drive an Aston Martin along the same roads 007 raced over in the opening scenes of Quantum of Solace, the James Bond movie that picks up the story where Casino Royale left off. Begin, as the pre-credit action does, in Malcesine, a castle-topped town on the eastern shore of Lake Garda. Follow the shore around the northern tip of the lake, through Riva del Garda, a pretty resort town at the foot of mountains that rise steeply from the shore.

Following the Gardesana, the lakeside road between Riva and Salo, drive through the same tunnels and along cornices, with mountain views across the lake. Bond left this road to climb even higher above the lake along the Tremosine, the steep mountainsides above Garda’s western shore. Enjoy the mountain and lake scenery at a less frantic pace than 007 did, and hopefully without being chased by villains driving Alpha Romeos, as the road drops again to the lake at the town of Gargnano.

It’s a bit of a drive to the next scene, although Bond manages to cover the 200 miles to Cararra in only a few seconds. In the movie, the Aston Martin DBS meets its demise here, crashing in the famed Fantiscritti quarries where Michelangelo personally selected the most perfect blocks of marble for his sculptures. Filming was at the Fantiscritti and Canalgrade quarries, on the mountainside overlooking the Mediterranean.
To tour the quarries, leave the A-12 coast road and climb through the town of Cararra, following signs to the cave di marmo ever upward into the Apuan Alps. Signs point the way to the Fantiscritti quarry, where a museum shows tools used since the Romans sought marble here, but others are also worth a stop to see the quarrymen at work.

The chase moves on -- without the Aston Martin -- to Medieval town of Siena, farther south in Tuscany. The tiled rooftops there are not accessible, nor are the underground tunnels and chambers of the Medieval cisterns (bottini) that stored the town’s water. Check at the tourist office, however, since a tour might have been inspired by the movie.

If not, take solace in the fact that Daniel Craig, who plays Bond, didn’t actually run through them either. Authentic replicas of the bottini were built at Pinewood Studios for the tunnel chase filming.
To see Siena as it was in the film, be there on July 2 or August 16, when the city focuses its undivided attention on the Palio, a re-creation of a Medieval horse race that takes place around the huge oval Piazza del Campo. Bond emerges from the underground chase through the Fonte Gaia, a stone fountain in this piazza.

Plan to stay some distance outside Siena or reserve hotel rooms many months in advance for this very popular event. Or enjoy the narrow stone streets of this Medieval town without the crowds on any of the other 363 days of the year, and see some of the Palio memorabilia at one of the various Contrade museums. These are usually found next to the parish church of each of the city’s 17 districts that compete in the race.
While it would be difficult – or impossible -- to find an Aston Martin DBS for rent, Elite Rent-a-Car www.eliterent.comoffers the Aston Martin DB9 Volante, V8 Vantage or V8 Vantage Roadster for pick-up in the French Riviera. The minimum age for renting one of these exceptional cars is 30 – old enough to know better than to drive it like James Bond does in a chase scene.

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