Kuuntelen David Bowien VH1 Storytellers- levyä. Ennen Rebel Rebel- kappaletta, kertoo Bowie seuraavan anekdootin:
"During the very early days of Ziggy Stardust we often used to play these fairly grotty clubs called the working man’s clubs.
“They were sort of like nightclubs but you got a cheap meal. The whole family would come. A round of beer.
"A rock act. A stripper — sometimes one and the same.
“Well, backstage one night I was desperate to use the bathroom. I was dressed in my full, battle finery of Tokyo-spaceboy and a pair of shoes high enough that it induced nose bleeds.
“I went up to the promoter – actually I tottered over to the promoter – and I asked ‘Could you please tell me where the lavatory is?’
“And he said: ‘Yeah, look down that corridor. On the far end of that wall. You see that sink? There you go.’
“I said: ‘My good man, I’m not taking a piss in the sink.’
“He said: ‘Listen, son, if it’s good enough for Shirley Bassey it’s good enough for you.’”