"Jääkiekon ystävä Kimi Räikkönen pelasi perjantaina lätkää muiden moottoriurheilijoiden kanssa Helsingin jäähallissa."
Vaikka tosta vois päätellä, niin ei se mikään moottoriurheilijoiden kohtaaminen ollut. Siellä oli mm. muutama endurokuljettaja Kimin kanssa samassa joukkueessa. Pelasivat HIFK-veteraaneja tms. vastaan."Jääkiekon ystävä Kimi Räikkönen pelasi perjantaina lätkää muiden moottoriurheilijoiden kanssa Helsingin jäähallissa."
Tunnistiko/tietääkö joku, ketä muita tuossa pelasi?
Kyllä kaiken saa käännettyä omaan mieleen sopivaksiKäännettynä "Kimi olisi ollut liian nopea ja ennestään tuttu tiimille jolloin kiistaton ykkösasemani olisi ollut poissa"
Juuri näin. Lewis on aina pelännyt Kimin raakalaismaista nopeuden lahjaa, sama syy miksi Schumi lopetti aikanaan juuri Kimin tullessa talliin. Kaikki kuljettavat noteeraavat Kimin todellisuudessa nopeimmaksi kuskiksi. Niin kuin asia tietenkin onkin.Käännettynä "Kimi olisi ollut liian nopea ja ennestään tuttu tiimille jolloin kiistaton ykkösasemani olisi ollut poissa"
C OKyl se Alonso on paska jätkä.
Sellaset vajaat 678 sanaa Leikattuun versioon tuli 511, joka tosin sekin on vielä liikaa.Probably the most cool-nerved racing driver on the whole world; Kimi-Matias Räikkönen (usually just Kimi) was born in Espoo the seventeenth of October 1979. He is recognized as one of the best racing drives of his time. He is also known for his unbelievable skill of shutting the outside world completely and focus on just what he’s doing.
Kimi is the younger of the Räikkönen brothers, his older brother is Rami. They have been racing each other since they were young. As very young, Kimi began his karting career. His parents were little low on money that time, so they had to make a decision between indoor plumbing and Kimi’s racing career. They chose racing.
Kimi was also very talented ice hockey player and so he was playing ice hockey and driving karting at the same time. But in the mid-teens this took way too much time and quitted ice hockey and focused on racing.
In the late 1990’s when Kimi switched karting to minor formulas, he moved to his manager in England. There he raced in Formula Renault 2.0 for 22 races and won 18 of them. His 23rd formula race was though on a little bit bigger and more powerful car. It was a Sauber Formula One car in an actual Formula One race in Australia. No one had participated before a Formula One race with such a little experience or jumped to Formula One after driving just FR2.0.
His Formula One career has been full of ups and downs. In his first year he was way above where he was supposed to be, and got a contract to McLaren, one of the big ones. But in the next year he was struggling to finish as his car was too unreliable. In the next year he took his first win in Malaysia was though in the chase for the championship, just to lose it by two points. But again, the rollercoaster headed downwards: his 2004 car was again too slow and too unreliable. But still he managed to take his second victory. In 2005 his car was again fast, but too unreliable, and he finished second in the points table. Ironically, year 2006 was again horrifying for Kimi. His car was reliable, but way too slow. He didn’t win a single race that year.
But at the 2006 Italian Grand Prix something much more important was announced: he would replace seven-time world champion Michael Schumacher as he retires at the end of the season. In mid-season thins looked very bad, as he had fallen back in the chase for the championship. But after staggering ending to the season, he took the championship by a single point. But as you would have guessed, the next even year wasn’t as good as the odd year before it. Kimi had an enormous amount of bad luck, but though finished third at the world championship. The next year turned out to be his last in Formula One. Even though it was an odd year, his car was way off the pace but still managed to get that one precious win.
Kimi is an extremely closed person. Maybe that’s why his Ferrari career didn’t turn as a fairy tale as it was supposed to become, because Italians expect and respect talkative and open people. Maybe this is why he was bought out of his Ferrari contract for 15 million euros and was forced to begin his rallying career a year in advance.
I respect him as a Formula driver, because he is a successful Finn and has been on the top for the time I have been watching to Formula One. My respect towards him has increased his extremely bad luck. He has lost numerous of victories because of retirements which weren’t his fault. One of the bitterest retirements have been on Nürburgring in 2005 when his suspension failed on the last lap and on Spa 2008 when he crashed wall on the penultimate lap when he was chasing his fifth consecutive victory on the most demanding track in modern racing.
Probably the most cool-nerved racing driver (in/of) the whole world; Kimi-Matias Räikkönen (usually just Kimi) was born in Espoo on the seventeenth of October 1979. He is recognized as one of the best racing driveRs of his time. He is also known for his unbelievable skill of shutting out? the outside world completely and focus on just what he’s doing.Tuossa enkunkurssilla piti kirjottaa profiili jostain henkilöstä jota ihailee. Tuossa vielä se leikkaamaton versio:.
Sun englanti on kyllä hyvällä tasolla, pari sellaista stylististä juttua, mitä vois muuttaa. Mutta onhan noissa Mikkosen korjauksissakin parikin sellaista. :thumbup:
Juu ei se ihan tuollaisena mennyt, ja nuo tärkeimmät olinkin jo kerennyt korjaamaan. (esim. tuo ura on tuossa liian tarkasti selitetty, uudessa versiossa on paljon lyhyempi)
Tuossakin on kyllä muutama kirotusvire jotka huomasin tänään aamulla... Mutta tuossa uudelleenkirjoituksessa tärkein olikin ollut tuon uran kertominen mahdollisimman lyhyesti, koska sehän ei muita ihmisiä oikeestaan kiinnosta...Probably the most cool-nerved racing driver on the whole world; Kimi-Matias Räikkönen (usually just Kimi) was born in Espoo the seventeenth of October 1979. He is recognized as one of the best racing drivers of his time. He is also known for his unbelievable skill of shutting the outside world completely and focus on just what he’s doing.
Kimi is the younger of the Räikkönen brothers, his older brother is Rami. They have been racing each other since they were young. As very young, Kimi began his karting career. His parents were little low on money that time, so they had to make a decision between indoor plumbing and Kimi’s racing career. They chose racing.
Kimi was also very talented ice hockey player and in his childhood he was playing ice hockey and driving karting at the same time. But in the mid-teens this took way too much time and quitted ice hockey and focused on racing.
In the late 1990’s when Kimi switched karting to minor formulas, he moved to his manager in England. There he raced in Formula Renault 2.0 for 22 races and won 18 of them. His 23rd formula race was though on a little bit bigger and more powerful car. It was a Sauber Formula One car in an actual Formula One race in Australia. No one had participated before a Formula One race with such a little experience or jumped to Formula One after driving just FR2.0.
His Formula One career has been full of ups and downs and it looks like every odd year has been a great success for him and the even years a lot harder. For example: he had a great year in 2003 when he finished second in the championship just two points short of the championship, but year 2004 was hard and slow year for him. Again in 2005 he was in the hunt again, but lost again. 2006 his car was again too slow, but in 2007, after he had changed to the legendaric Ferrari team, he won the championship, even though he had fallen way back in the mid-season.
Kimi is an extremely closed person. Maybe that’s why his Ferrari career didn’t turn as a fairy tale as it was supposed to become, because Italians expect and respect talkative and open people. Maybe this is why he was bought out of his Ferrari contract for 15 million euros and was forced to begin his rallying career a year in advance.
I respect him as a Formula driver, because he is a successful Finn and has been on the top for the time I have been watching to Formula One. My respect towards him has increased his extremely bad luck. He has lost numerous of victories because of retirements which weren’t his fault. One of the bitterest retirements have been on Nürburgring in 2005 when his suspension failed on the last lap and on Spa 2008 when he crashed wall on the penultimate lap when he was chasing his fifth consecutive victory on the most demanding track in modern racing.
Sovitaan vaikka näin...Tämän keskustelun voi ottaa vaikka vastaiskuna sille, että Kimi tuntuu olevan se pakollinen offtopic-aihe kaikissa F1-puolen keskusteluissa, joten on ihan oikein, että me käydään välillä offtopic-keskustelua Kimin ketjussa.
Kiitoskiitos.Sun englanti on kyllä hyvällä tasolla, pari sellaista stylististä juttua, mitä vois muuttaa.
Taisihan se sitäkin joskus yrittää, heikoin tuloksin.Kun manageri Steve Robertson soitti Räikköselle ja kertoi tämän olevan nyt McLarenin mies, Räikkönen kommentoi nousuaan autourheilun toiseksi halutuimpaan talliin sanomalla "aha." Räikkösen viileys on paikoin miltei autistista, toisaalta juuri konemaisuus, ja kyky sulkea kaikki epäoleellinen pois mielestä, on hänen suurimpia vahvuuksiaan. Kun Räikkösen juomapullo hajosi kesken kisan Hungaroringilla, puolitoista litraa taikajuomaa pulppusi kypärään. Räikkönen ei nähnyt juuri mitään, ajoi pari kertaa nurmelle, mutta ei malttanut mennä varikolle, vaikka visiiri oli tahmeana sokerisesta nesteestä. Siinä kun Häkkistä on arvosteltu taistelutahdon puutteesta pienten vastoinkäymisten edessä, ajotyyliään vaihtamaan kykenevän Räikkösen väitetään puskevan eteenpäin vaikka kolmella renkaalla
Sopii. Kunhan et vain omaksesi väitä.Sopiiko sinulle että kopioin sen toiselle foorumille?
Osanotot :/Kimin Joulu meni pilalle
Kimi Räikkösen isä kuollut
Rallikuski Kimi Räikkösen isä Matti Räikkönen on menehtynyt eilen keskiviikkona.
Räikkösen asiainhoitaja Riku Kuvaja viestittää Ilkalle ja Pohjalaiselle toiveensa, että Kimi Räikköselle annettaisiin sururauha suuren menetyksen äärellä.
Matti Räikkönen oli syntynyt 8.10.1954.
Hän oli myös tunnettu autourheilija.