LFS:n Facebookryhmästä tuli mainos iRacing SR8 testistä...
Autot ja radat ovat ainakin itselleni tuolla pirun vaikeita!
Kotoisen MNK:n porukat voisivat kuitenkin käydä tuolla ottamassa oppia miten OIKEAT autopelien ammattilaiset rakentavat turnausjärjestelmän.
"Launcherina" toimii webbi-sivu, jolle pelaajat kirjautuvat. (!) Pelit ovat eri, mutta vastaava systeemi olisi kyllä pystytty toteuttamaan LFS:kin kanssa.
Harjoitteluosiossa pyörii kokoajan väh. 4 erivaiheessa olevaa harjoitus-sessiota.
Aika-ajot ovat viikon kestäviä ja niissä suoritetut ajat ovat kelpoisia ko. viikon kisoissa. Päivässä on väh. 4 sessiota.
Kisat ovat ainoita, joissa kaikki niihin selvinneet kuskit ovat yhtä aikaa mukana.
Sitten on vielä "kelloa vastaan" ajo, jonka perusteella kuski sijoittuu ranking taulukossa.
Alla kuvaukset näistä kolmesta ensin mainitusta.
Practice sessions are typically 30 minutes long and open to multiple cars. Official lap times and incidents are recorded, but incidents in practice will not influence your Safety Rating or competition license level, making these sessions ideal for learning new tracks and how to drive in traffic.
Qualifying sessions determine the overall weekly qualifying order, which is used to set the starting order, or grid, for each race session. Qualifying times are valid for the entire race week, and drivers may attempt to improve their time as often as they like during the race week. Incidents are recorded during qualifying sessions and factored into each driver's Safety Rating calculation.
Road course qualifying sessions are 20 minutes long, and your fastest incident-free lap, is automatically recorded as your qualifying time for the week. Multiple cars may be on track during a road course qualifying session.
Drivers who do not qualify before joining a race will be placed on the grid behind everyone who has posted a qualifying time for that series. If multiple drivers without qualifying times join the same race session, they will be gridded at the back of the field in order of iRating.
Races are real-time, wheel-to-wheel, multi-car sessions. The number of entries required for the race to be considered official, as well as the race distance, will vary by series. More information can be found on the series home page. Incidents are recorded in races, and race incidents carry the heaviest weight of any session when factored into a driver's Safety Rating.
Both road and oval race sessions begin with a five minute warm-up, after which the field will be shown the checkered flag, signifying the end of the warm-up.
Drivers will then have 60 seconds to place their cars on the starting grid. At the conclusion of the race, there will be a short cool-down period. Drivers may race as often as they like during a race week. Points earned in each race will be averaged to calculate a driver's race week point total.