Vaikka asiaan vihkiytynyt henkilö tunnistaakin AMD:n prosessorit nimen perusteella vaivattomasti, on AMD:n nimisekavuuden perisynti nimenomaan se, että se on lähtenyt nimeämiskäytännössään alunperin vertaamaan omia prosessoreitaan Intelin prosessoreihin. Tähän näppäryyteen AMD on nyt sekoamassa. Ohessa kuvataan problematiikkaa:
"But unfortunately, they've also come up with one that is going to do more to confuse the average consumer than to educate him/her. At first glance, one would likely assume that a name of "Athlon XP 1800+" would mean that it claims superior performance to a 1.8GHz Intel P4. After all, that's what it meant the last time we saw these kinds of processor names. But AMD had previously made it clear that their new model naming scheme was meant to compare the performance of an Athlon XP processor not to an Intel processor, but to a legacy AMD Athlon. In other words, an AMD Athlon XP 1500+, while clocked at 1.33GHz, will deliver equivalent performance to what the Athlon Thunderbird would have had at 1.5GHz. From there, you should then know that since a 1.4GHz AMD Athlon Thunderbird processor was already matching the performance of a 1.7GHz Intel P4, now it's being matched by a 1.33GHz processor... still with me?
But then, in contrast to this seeming clarification, a FAQ on AMD's web site says that "The AMD Athlon XP 1900+ will outperform an Intel Pentium® 4 processor operating at 1.9GHz on a broad array of end-user applications," leaving us with that older and more familiar scheme that PR ratings used. Beyond that problem is also the fact that if the model name is meant to demonstrate its superiority to the Intel architecture, then what will the average consumer take away from the fact that even with the new naming scheme, they're still seemingly behind Intel's fastest processors? Basically the average consumer will see them as saying "our top-of-the-line AMD Athlon XP 1900+ is as fast, or faster, than Intel's 1.9GHz," when Intel has had a 2GHz processor available for months and is expected to release a 2.2GHz processor in the near future."
Koko juttu on luettavissa osoitteesta:
Ongelma on ilmeinen. AMD:n on ollut äärettömän vaikea jatkaa johdonmukaisesti aloittamaansa nimeämiskäytäntöä -joka ehkä alussa vaikuttikin hyvältä-.