American Lemans 2004 - Lehto & Champion jatkavat yhteistyötä


Well-known member
Laittakaa toki linkkiä tänne mistä tuon Dale Eanrhardt juniorin ulosajon voi nähdä. Toivottavasti mies ei loukkaantunut ulosajossa pahemmin. Sinänsä ihmeellistä tuollainen, sillä Corvette C5-R on kyllä varsin koeteltu kilpa-auto jolla on kisattu kai jo vuosia. Luulisi että sillä ei tällaisia voisi sattua. Sekin masentaa sillä Earnhardt jr. on varsin tunnettu nimi jenkeissä ja hänen osallistumisensa olisi varmasti lisännyt ALMS:n suosiota.


Well-known member
Ohhoh. Rupesi sitten kunnolla palamaan. Peli lähti käsistä melko ihmeellisesti. Tossa pätkässä sanottiin että renkaat olivat kylmät, auto oli juuri lähtenyt varikolta ja se oli tankattu. Ei tuossa paikassa nyt mitään sellaista ollut, mikä olisi ollut erityisen vaarallsita. Corvette C5-R on tosiaankin yksi parhaista autoista luokassa.

Tässä oli varmaan liian paljon yhteensattumia. Kylmät renkaat aiheuttivat pidon menetyksen huonossa paikassa. Auto pyörähti ja osui pahimmoilleen kaiteeseen. Jotenkin ymmärsin, että törmäyksessä bensaletkun kiinnityspiste olisi repeytynyt irti ja sinne täyttöputkeen olisi jäänyt jonkun verran bensaa joka sitten syttyi tuleen. Paljonhan bensaa ei tarvita että tuollainen syttyminen tapahtuu. Auto kyllä palaa iloisesti jos sen saa liekkeihin.

Mitä olen kestävyyskisoja katsonut, niin pahimmat ongelmat palamisessa ovat Porscheilla. Jotenkin tuntuu että ne rupeavat palamaan mallista riippumatta tosi herkästi.

Petri Piira

Olivier Gavetta
Ilmeisesti Corvette oli joutunut vaihtamaan jotain tuolla bensatankin alueella. Oliko itse tankin tai jotain siihen liittyvää. Syynä oli uusi polttoaine, joka reagoi materiaalien kanssa jotenkin väärin. Joutuivat uudesta materiaalista tehdyt osat laittamaan autoon sit.


Well-known member
Ajellaankos tässä sarjassa Trans Amilla, vai oliko se eri sarja, vai onko autoluokkia sekoiteltu tuossa kisassa? on juttua Jr:n vammoista (jotka olivat onneksi lievät).

Ite on kyseiseltä radalta kokemusta lähinnä NASCAR Racing 2003 Season- simun perusteella :), ja tuntuisi että ainoa mahdollisuus miten auto voi tuollain lähteä käsistä on ylikorjaus, esses on suht helppo paikka mutta mun mielestä hyvin herkkä ylikorjaukselle jos perä meinaa livetä (ainakin simussa, silloin ekoina kertoina kun rataa aloin harjoittelemaan), varsinkin pitkän ajotauon jälkeen tai etenkin uudella kalustolla :)

Toivottavasti tuota nassesimua voidaan edes jonkinlaisena mittapuuna pitää ;)

Edit: Ja kun tarkkaan katsoo siitä takakuvakulmasta niin on minun mielestä huomattavissa pieni luisu jonka Dale korjaa heti, mutta todellakin kylmillä renkailla ja muilla olosuhteilla voi olla sellainen vaikutus että auto onkin todella kiikkerä ja voi lähteä ihan mihin suuntaan sattuu.
Viimeksi muokattu:

Petri Piira

Olivier Gavetta
hannu^ sanoi:
Ajellaankos tässä sarjassa Trans Amilla, vai oliko se eri sarja, vai onko autoluokkia sekoiteltu tuossa kisassa?
Trans-Am on ihan erillinen sarjansa, jota ajetaan n. 700heppaisilla koppiautoilla.

Ja tuosta Earnhardtin kolarista vähän lisää juttua. Eli Dale saa ottaa hieman palovammoja omaan piikkiin...

Following Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s accident during the ALMS weekend at Infineon Raceway, in which the NASCAR star suffered second-degree burns, former NASCAR crew chief turned TV race commentator Jeff Hammond claims that “In the neighborhood of 80 to 85 percent of Nextel Cup drivers do not wear enough to protect themselves from fire in the cockpit.”

In a column he wrote for FOX Sports, Hammond said Earnhardt would not have been burned if he had been wearing Nomex underwear under his driver’s suit.


Well-known member
Porschen "palamisongelmat" johtunee varmaan ennen kaikkea turboista. Kun kuuman turbon päälle sylkästään öljyt tai bensat niin avót! 962 ja 956(?) olivat kieltämättä erityisen herkkiä. Ja niissä tuo palo alkoi muistaakseni nimenomaan siitä, että jostain ruikkas aina herkästi öljyt turbon päälle... En nyt sitten tiedä onko näissä "siviili-Porscheissa" eli 911:n kisavermeissä sen enempää moista ongelmaa kuin muissakaan turboissa. Tiesti moottori on takana, eikä keskellä, joten impaktii tulee ihan kivasti kun mennään perä edellä kaiteeseen. Mitä Corvetteen tulee, niin eikös tuo ole yleisestikin amerikkalaisten autojen piirre? Eli Hollywood ei ihan väärässä ole niiden possahtelujen kanssa :D En muista oliko GM vai Ford jolla oli oikeasti suuria ongelmia...


Well-known member
Joo, Porschen palamisongelmaan vaikuttaa varmasti takamoottori ja erittäin ahdas konetila. Siellä ne lämmötkin on turbojen myötä varmaan kertaluokkaa suuremmat kuin muilla.

Mitä tuohon Corvetteen tulee, niin eikös niissä ole ollut lasikuitukori? Tässäkin tapauksessa korimateriaalien ja bensan yhteisvaikutus aiheutti tuon kokon eikä pelkkä bensa. Siis jos oikein ymmärsin.


Well-known member
Aivan. Eikös Corvette ole ollut aina lasikuitukoppainen?

Petri Piira

Olivier Gavetta
Ei oikein ollut Portlandin kilpailu JJ Lehdolle hyvä. Kisa on vielä menossa, mutta äsken JJ luovutti ajovuoron Marco Wernerille. Oman ajovuoronsa aikana JJ osui kumpaankin LMP1 luokan Lolaan, useaan GT-luokan Porscheen ja GT-luokan Ferrariin..

Pyörähti kahteen kertaan, jossain osumassa rikkoi Audin keulaa, sai stop&go rangaistuksen ensimmäisestä osumasta Lolaan.. ykkösenä tuli kuitenkin kuskinvaihtoon.

Tosin romurallia ollut muutenkin, tosi paljon osumia ja rangaistuksia. Ei oikein ole tämä Portland sopiva ALMS-sarjalle. Liian lyhyt ja ahdas, kun ottaa huomioon eri luokkien nopeuserot.


Senile Member
Isle of Man
Voittohan sieltä tuli jälleen kerran. Oli kyllä ollut tapahtumia melkoisesti, JJ sanoi kuitenkin kisaa parhaaksi kisaksi pitkään aikaan.

Sinänsä vähän latistaa, ettei tunnu löytyvän Championille minkäänlaista vastusta tänä vuonna. Noinkohan JJ suuntaa katseensa eurooppaan ensi kaudeksi...


Well-known member
Go Lehto! :ahem: :ahem: :ahem: :thumbup:

Petri Piira

Olivier Gavetta
Eilen kuljettajien mestaruus sitten varmistui Lehdolle ja Wernerille. JJ:stä ei sitten tullut "menestyneintä kuljettajaa ilman mestaruutta". Tulosten valossa kausi on ollut helppo, mutta Dysonin Lolat ovat olleet kova vastus jatkuvasti.

Mitähän tulevaisuus tuo tullessaan, vieläkö riittää kiinnostusta protoihin vai olisiko DTM:n vuoro. Tuskin eläkkeelle vielä..

Petri Piira

Olivier Gavetta
Champion ottaa kahteen viimeiseen kisaan Road Atlantaan ja Laguna Secaan mukaan toisen autonsa. Kuskeina Johnny Herbert ja Pierre Kaffer.
Team ADT Champion Racing is excited to announce the addition of a second Audi R8 LMP1 “prototype” to contest the two remaining American Le Mans Series races at Road Atlanta (Petit Le Mans) and the season finale at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. Johnny Herbert, former Formula 1 Driver, 24 Hours of Le Mans winner and popular American Le Mans Series driver will return to the United States along with up and coming Audi “works” driver Pierre Kaffer. Herbert and Kaffer will join ADT Champion Racing regulars JJ Lehto and Marco Werner to pilot a second, identically prepared Audi R8.

Petri Piira

Olivier Gavetta
Petit Lemans on viikon päässä ja osallistujalista alkaa muodostumaan. Tällä hetkellä 35 autoa, joista 13 prototyyppejä.

Jotain pieniä poimintoja.. Champion tuo nyt tuon toisen autonsa kuten jo aiemmin mainittua.. Jan Lammers hyppää toisen Dyson Lolan kakkoskuskiksi, tosin en tiedä ottavatko siihen autoon vielä kolmannen kuskin.

GTS:ssä Corvette ja Saleen ottavat kolme kuskia, Lambon ja Dodgen tyytyessä kahteen. Corvetten ratissa on kiva nähdä taas Max Papis.

GT:ssä paljon tuttuja.. myös Marino Francitti, Darion pikkuveli. Ferraria ajaa.... Andrea Montermini! Mietin vähän aikaa, että kukas tuo olikaan mutta sehän oli vanha tuttu F1:stä.. Porsche tais täyttää Alex Job Racingin tehdaskuskeillaan, ainakin kovia nimiä ois siellä.

Petri Piira

Olivier Gavetta
Tässä keskustelua tuosta chat:sta.

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-3 23:57:15)
JJ Lehto is the winner of the very American Le Mans Series race ever at Sebring in 1999. Lehto has returned for the 2004 season behind the wheel of the No. 38 Audi R8 in the ALMS LMP1 class. Welcome JJ Lehto!

PetriPiira( says: (2004-8-3 23:58:2)
Hello JJ and greetings from Finland. How it is going at the moment?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-3 23:59:17)
Its going well. Its the first test day and after all of the big storms the track is a bit dirty...more than usual. So we will just wait for tomorrow and hope for better grip on the track.

jlauer says: (2004-8-3 23:59:24)
Hi JJ what are your plans for next season - Champion again?

PetriPiira( says: (2004-8-3 23:59:48)
you made almost 50laps anyway, so busy day for you. But your sister car made only 3 or something. Why?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:0:53)
Maybe...there has been a lot of talk but we havent really sat down a nd talked about what we are going to do next year. I have enjoyed the last two years with the team and of course being a champion this year with that team makes it very easy to continue with them next year. Its like my family now.

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:1:58)
The other car had a problem with the rear wing mounting Johnny had a big moment with the car and they damaged it a little bit. It will be okay for tomorrow.

fanta4 says: (2004-8-4 0:2:12)
Are you guys hoping for a little rain on Saturday?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:3:17)
For me it doesn't make any difference. I like rain and sunny days as well. For me its just important to have a good race car because the race here is really good and enjoyable. It doesn't matter if it rains or not.

OttoVonSkidmarck says: (2004-8-4 0:3:25)
Hello JJ...could you let us your thoughts about how your car is performing

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:4:35)
The car is performing well. We were just doing some different tire testing today. The car had a little bit too much understeer but we can sort it out with no problems at all.

Shady#30 says: (2004-8-4 0:4:42)
Hey JJ, what kind of car is in your driveway at home?
JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:5:30)
Jeep Grand Cherokee....for now. My wife gets to drive the Audi.

PartyGuy01 says: (2004-8-4 0:5:39)
Would it be safe to say that a Sebring victory with Champion is probably the one thing you and the team have left to accomplish

PetriPiira( says: (2004-8-4 0:6:12)
i would add Lemans too

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:6:24)
Yeah, definately in America. We have been trying very hard to win Le Mans as well.

OttoVonSkidmarck says: (2004-8-4 0:6:35)
What has been the highlight of the season for you so far?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:7:42)
There have been a couple of really good races...Portland was full of action...of course winning the championship is exciting as well...I am just enjoying the rest of the season now.

A27Racer says: (2004-8-4 0:7:49)
Is there any plan to send out a "rabbit" now that the team has 2 cars? Or will you go "all out" considering that you and Mr. Werner have already clinched the title?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:8:46)
No plans for rabbits. Its gonna be straight racing and its a long race 1000 miles so we are just going to have to sort it out.

jlauer says: (2004-8-4 0:8:52)
Of the eight tracks ALMS has raced at this year so far, do you have a favorite?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:9:26)
I would say Sears Point, Mid Ohio, and of course Atlanta

PanozMike says to JJ Lehto (2004-8-4 0:10:0)
JJ, have you ever had a drive in the Panoz LMP-1?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:10:11)

No, never
PanozMike says to JJ Lehto (2004-8-4 0:10:30)
Will the race still be held if conditions from all the hurricanes are terrible?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:11:1)
The Audis can take anything

jlauer says: (2004-8-4 0:11:14)
How does the Audi R8 compare to the BMW LMP?

PetriPiira( says: (2004-8-4 0:11:23)
JJ, what is your favourite track in Europe? Spa? You had one great race at Spa '97 Fia GT with McLaren during bad weather.

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:12:22)
Its a newer car...quite different design...the engine is a light twin turbo engine compared to BMW's much heavier the weight feel is quite different between these cars..but you can guess which one had a better sound

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:13:15)
Yeah, definately Spa is one of them...I like fast tracks with some elevation changes.

OttoVonSkidmarck says: (2004-8-4 0:13:34)
What aspect of those race tracks do you like...elevation changes, hairpins,...?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:14:19)
I just like elevation changes...I also like really fast corners where you can really take everything out of the car and enjoy the down force

gdewitt says: (2004-8-4 0:14:27)
Speaking of elevation changes, what do you think about Laguna Seca?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:15:39)
Its a very challenging track but everybody is always talking about the corkscrew but to me its not the most difficult part of the track...after the corkscrew there are some really fast corners that are tricky.

PanozMike says to JJ Lehto (2004-8-4 0:15:47)
JJ, if you didn't have a seat in the Audi, what car would you most want to be in for PLM?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:16:43)
Probably a GTS car with a good airconditioning.

PartyGuy01 says: (2004-8-4 0:16:55)
Having driven Champ Cars in the past, in comparison to the R8, how do the two compare in driving style? Also, in your opinion, would Champ Car be too fast for Atlanta? I know I speak for many who'd love to see Champ at Atlanta, possibly double header with ALMS.

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:18:44)
The driving style is pretty much the same...of course the LMP is a little heavier than the champ car but the LMP has a really good downforce...I don't think the Champ car would be too's an easy thing to have a big one here but its the same with the LMPs as well.

A27Racer says: (2004-8-4 0:18:51)
What did you think of Lime Rock Park this year? How did you like the chicane on the back end of the track?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:21:0)
The chicane was was better than I expected than when I saw it for the first time. It felt better driving through it than when I walked it. Lime Rock is a small circuit and very bumpy...a bit too much for these hopefully they can improve it for the future

squidfd41 says to JJ Lehto (2004-8-4 0:21:7)
What's your old co-driver doing now J. Muller?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:21:49)
He is doing European Touring car with BMW and he is doing well there.

joe8022 says: (2004-8-4 0:21:58)
Do you think you will ever get a chance to race in the 24 hours of Daytona again?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:22:42)
The thing is that I have never raced at Daytona but I hope that I can do it someday and get the watch

Wildfire says: (2004-8-4 0:22:55)
Hello JJ. Nice to see you again :) How do you feel about the competition or lack thereof this past season, and parity in the P1 Class moving forward to 2005? Do you see some more serious competition on the horizon?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:24:54)
Its been difficult this year...its difficult to understand what the reason is but everyone seems to be struggling a bit financially and the rule changes dont help the situation. But at least in America, they have been clever enough to freeze the rules for next year so there will hopefully be more cars next year.

jlauer says: (2004-8-4 0:25:4)
Is the plan for race day that you and Marco will each do two hour stints, then see where you stand come nightfall?

PetriPiira( says: (2004-8-4 0:25:19)
You have any inside rumour about next Audi prototype? :)

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:25:58)
It just depends how the tires are behaving.

PanozMike says to JJ Lehto (2004-8-4 0:26:9)
Do you think any other teams legitimately have a chance to beat Champion this weekend?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:26:25)
I hope not!

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:27:49)
Well there are so many rumors going on about that right now, its difficult to say what will be the real thing...whatever Audi builds, its going to be something good

PetriPiira( says: (2004-8-4 0:27:53)
You are always fast in dark, any idea why? I remember this years Lemans, you made some very fast laps and clock was something like 02:00am

ipa says to JJ Lehto (2004-8-4 0:28:0)
Is there any problems with setup, driving position ro something else, while you have to share the car with your co-driver?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:29:13)
I have been really lucky with my co-drivers in the last couple of years because we have been able to fit in the car easy and I have been luck to have co-drivers that like very similar setups

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:30:3)
In the dark you can't see everything so I dont get that scared...I really like driving at night time

gdewitt says: (2004-8-4 0:30:19)
I enjoyed seeing BMW take it to the Porsches a few years ago. With talk of them finally producing a V8 M3 do you see them returning to GT?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:31:17)
I have no idea...they are so busy with Formula 1 at the moment..and the are really big in European Touring cars as well.

Carreramon says: (2004-8-4 0:31:55)
Do you enjoy endurance racing more than your time in F1 and Champ Cars?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:32:41)
I have enjoyed all kinds of racing...if you want to be good, you have to enjoy whatever you do

gdewitt says: (2004-8-4 0:32:55)
Got any thoughts on the future of sports car racing beyond the next year or two?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:34:59)
I hope that there will be more manufacturers involved because thats the way you get more out of the series and more competition. Manufacturers can do all of those things better than the privateers and they have the budget for it.
Viimeksi muokattu:

Petri Piira

Olivier Gavetta
TheShocker says: (2004-8-4 0:35:10)
How do you feel about the ALMS adding a few more races next year? And which tracks would you like to see added?

PetriPiira( says: (2004-8-4 0:35:10)
Just want to say at least this one in finnish... Oikein paljon onnea mestaruudesta, monta vuotta meni ja parilla kerralla ihan läheltä piti, mut vihdoin onnisti. Thank you

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:37:31)
Its nice if there is at least two races more in the championship. It just makes it more interesting. The series has been groing so much in the last 6 years so I am sure the fans would be more than delighted if there were more races in the series as well. I would like to add Long Beach and Montreal would be great because there are so many fans. Thats a real racing city.

Wildfire says: (2004-8-4 0:37:45)
JJ...Have you ever ice raced? If so, metal to ice or rubber to ice? Any interest in racing in the Andros Series in France someday against Alain Prost?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:40:18)
Yeah, every year I am doing European Championship Rally in the north part of Finland with a 4 wheel drive car...I really like it a lot in the ice and snow with all of the sliding. Of course we have really good winter tires with huge spikes so the grip is amazingly good on the ice and snow. I have been watching the Andros series for years and it seems to be a really good I could do a race there

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:41:25)
Yeah you are right...its been close a couple of times and I am really happy to get it this year. Kiitos!
gdewitt says: (2004-8-4 0:41:34)

What do you consider your greatest achievement, your defining moment in motorsports?

JJ Lehto says: (2004-8-4 0:42:0)
Winning Le Mans.

Petri Piira

Olivier Gavetta
Olivier Gavin oli seuraavana Chatti-vieraana..

Oliver Gavin quickly became one of the American Le Mans Series' brightest stars after his first full season in 2003. Gavin had raced for over a decade winning his first race at Brands Hatch in England. Already having a great season, Gavin will again be behind the wheel of the No. 4 Corvette C5R this weekend for the Chevy presents Petit Le Mans. Welcome Oliver Gavin!

jjc5rfan says: hello everybody. Max and Jan coming back next year?
Oliver Gavin says: We will all be back next year and hopefully so will everyone else.

flausa says: 2005 will see the Aston Martin and the Maserati in ALMS. What are your thoughts on the MC12? should it be allowed in GTS?
Oliver Gavin says: (2004-8-4 17:3:39)
I have no idea if the Maserati will be here or not. If they were to come it would be great, but I don't know if they have been approved by the ACO.

jjc5rfan says: Straight line speed on the c6 . Faster than c5?
Oliver Gavin says: I can't really answer that one, I mean we don't really know yet.

flausa says: They have been approved pending passing tech by the ACO. It will be resubmitted to FIA for FIA-GT next month. There will be a fulltime MC12 in ALMS next year.
Oliver Gavin says: Do you work for Maserati..are you Mika Salo?

almsrick says: After the disappointing finish at Sebring, you guys have really turned the season around. What has made the differennce between the 2003 season and the 2004 season.
Oliver Gavin says: I would have to say that the whole package has gotten stronger and I get along really well with my team mate Olivier. The tires, new gearbox, new aero package...its all improved.

TheShocker says: Who has had the greatest influence in your racing career? Do you have a racing hero?
Oliver Gavin says: Aryton Senna has been my infuence and is my racinig hero.

PetriPiira( says: Do you like racing at night time? JJ Lehto was here yesterday, he said he really likes driving in night (we strange finns, hehe)
Oliver Gavin says: Yeah I do like racing at night as an extra challenge...but it can be very tricky.

TheShocker says: Thats a good question... but also, how does European tracks compare to US tracks? Better? Worse?
Oliver Gavin says: US tracks are generally more challenging..they haven't been sanitized as much as the Eurpoean ones...European tracks are maybe safer, but they have taken away a lot of their character.

almsrick says: How do the American Fans compare to the European fans?
Oliver Gavin says: American fans are very enthusiastic and they certainly seem to love the Corvettes...everywhere we go we get a lot of support...European fans are not so car orientated and seem to have a little bit more personality.

jjc5rfan says: Do you think that the c5 reached its plateau in its development or there is more room for it?
Oliver Gavin says: There is always room for improvement...the development on the C5 has slowed since Le Mans because people have been concentrating on the C6 development...if we had continued on with the C5 I am sure it would have gotten faster.

speedracer says: Have you had any testing time in the C6 yet? If yes, what are your thoughts so far?
Oliver Gavin says: I have no idea what you are talking about.

flausa says: Good question....the Euro F1 tracks are so you prefer the American tracks with their warts and all?
Oliver Gavin says: I prefer some American I say its good drive on tracks that haven't been sanitized too much. Some European tracks are still alot of fun to run around like Spa, Silverstone, and Oulton Park.

flausa says: Off the record...was Dale Jr. a cool guy?
Oliver Gavin says: Yeah he was a cool guy. He seemed to be very down to earth really. I spent a bit of time with him but he was concentrating on his road racing skills which are very good.

flausa says: and can he actually drive?
Oliver Gavin says: No.

jjc5rfan says: How are the conditions of the track right now? RUBBER GOT WASHED OUT?
Oliver Gavin says: The track seemed to be rubbering up quite well but in the two practices that we have had today, a lot of cars have been slipping around and going off the track.

PetriPiira( says: Have you ever raced at Daytona 24h or in Trans-Am Series?
Oliver Gavin says: I have raced the Daytona 24 hours with Dyson Racing in 2002. It was a huge amount of fun and I really enjoyed driving with Dyson, James Weaver, and Butch Leitzinger. Unfortunately we didn't get to the finish but it was still a lot of fun. I hope to be able to do the 24 Hours next year as there is something that is looking very good.

TheShocker says: How do you feel about the ALMS (potentially) adding some more races next year? And which tracks would you like to see added?
Oliver Gavin says: The more races the better for me...I love racing. The track that I would really love to drive the Vette around is Watkins Glen...but it will never happen.

TheShocker says: On that note... which do you prefer? Pirelli Girls or Hawaiian Tropic Girls? AND Are you a boxers or briefs man?
Oliver Gavin says: I prefer Michelin Girls. I am a Nomex man.

flausa says: Ollie have you ever secretly wandered the Green Park at Sebring at night?...settling a bet here:)
Oliver Gavin says: No.

jjc5rfan says: Do you guys feel a real difference inside the Vette when during the day the temperature is in the mid 80's and in the night drops down to the low 60's?
Oliver Gavin says: You do feel a difference but it's only a small one. The engine temp is the thing that effects the temp inside the car and that is pretty constant.

speedracer says: What street cars do you own and which do you prefer to drive the most?
Oliver Gavin says: I have a C5 back in England thats a huge amount of fun driving on those tiny English roads...My wife also drives around in a Vauxhall on Michelins.

Oliver Gavin says: Thanks for coming out everyone. I will look forward to seeing you at one of our races very soon.
jjc5rfan says: Thank you for your time Oliver. We really appreciated.

flausa says: JMB said today they have plans to ruin your C6R debut at Sebring. Not a question but the MC12 is coming! Good luck at Petit Ollie

PetriPiira( says: And good luck to Petit Lemans. Have a good race in GTS-class. Lehto wins LMP1 anyway ;-)

PetriPiira( says: These chat's are great, thanks again ALMS

Moderator says: You're welcome - we love doing them!

Petri Piira

Olivier Gavetta
Tämän vuoden Petit Lemans vaikutti alussa kovalta taistelulta. Mutta eivät nuo Dyson Lolat mitään kestä. Ja vielä kun tuo Herbert veteli Audilla pitkin tonttia, niin viimeinenkin vastus Lehdolta ja Werneriltä meni. Varsinkin kun Lehto/Werneri kaksikko ajoi ilman virheitä.

Hieno voitto jälleen molemmille. Muilla tiimeillä ja autoilla vauhtia on, mutta kun kestävyyskisa on kyseessä niin pitäis kyetä ajamaan tasaisen tappavalla tahdilla autot maaliin asti. Siihen ei juuri nyt ALMS:ssä mikään muu autokunta pysty kuin Lehto ja Werner.
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