Kerrataas. Ykkösten teknisistä säännöistä (löytyy FIA:n kotisivuilta):
Article 1: Definitions
1.9 Weight :
Is the weight of the car with the driver, wearing his complete racing apparel, at all times during the event.
4.1 Minimum weight :
The weight of the car must not be less than 605kg during the qualifying practice session and no less than
600kg at all other times during the Event.
4.2 Ballast :
Ballast can be used provided it is secured in such a way that tools are required for its removal. It must be
possible to fix seals if deemed necessary by the FIA technical delegate.
4.3 Adding during the race :
With the exception of fuel and compressed gases, no substance may be added to the car during the race.
If it becomes necessary to replace any part of the car during the race, the new part must not weigh any
more than the original part.