Reality bites
- Liittynyt
- 25.1.2007
- Viestit
- 6418
Njaa, Span sää kiinnostaa tällä hetkellä enemmän, mutta onhan tuonne senjoritojen maahan näköjään heitetty erinäisiä skenaarioita. Ota nyt selvää ketä uskoo.
Met Office's Global Model
Met Office's Global Model

Ian Fergusson sanoi:Sunday-- The latest prognosis from the various models we use (e.g., UK Met Office Global Model; ECMWF ensemble products; US-GFS; Canadian and German models) are all now leaning with better agreement towards rain arriving during the afternoon. So will the race stay dry? It's genuinely very knife-edge, this one... and we've been here before this season, have we not?! The likely outcome is a dry morning; possibly dry at race start too but with light showers perhaps appearing into the latter stages of the race. Worth noting how the German (GEM) model offers a wet race from the outset and the UK Met Office model isn't that far behind in terms of rain arrival into Barcelona. --
James Allen sanoi:Weather forecast for the Barcelona weekend has changed - rain Friday, showers Saturday, sunny on Sunday
about 7 hours ago via web