Schumi on pudottanut kolme kiloa, mutta niska on edelleen kipeä (oletettavasti onnettomuuden, ei Mugellon testin jäljiltä). Vaimon kanssa on sovittu, että terveys ensin.
I'm currently in the midst of my preparations for the upcoming race," Schumacher wrote on his website. "
I already lost three kilograms even if it is also important to me to build up muscles. So all in all, the practice works pretty well."
I only have to admit that my neck pinches a bit. We have to get a grip on that as health has priority - that's the clear arrangement made with Ferrari and, by the way, with my wife, too."
Tässä voi vielä käydä niin, ettei niskaa saada kisaamisen edellyttämään kuntoon, ja Valenciassa ajaa sittenkin Gene. Joko suosiolla heti perjantaista lähtien tai kesken viikonlopun vaihdettuna.