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Suihkussa käydessäni huomasin tuollaisen noin sentin mittaisen hämärin verhossa. Kiltisti se odotteli suihkutteluni loppuun ja rauhallisesti kiipeili pitkin kättäni kun sitä ulos vein. Ihan hyvä, että olin minä joka sen havaitsi. Ei tarvinnut emännän harjoittaa äänijänteitään.
Näytä liitetiedosto 16140


Jes huomenna koulussa liigakarsinta Tappara vs Saipa ja Tapparahan voittaa.


Senior Member
The first ever Jyväskylä ralliviikonloppuni began. I woke up at seven, and I checked the map yet, how exactly do I get a test-ek's arm. F1 Forum, black t-shirt on and a short walk along a piece of kämpiltä. Sit in the high slope of the hill about three hours, and my attention focused in particular on Grönholm, Hilly and Latvala extracts. Latvala seemed to slow.
I moved back to the Kämp half-day comment period and a time to live sättiin. Was little excitement in the air. What day would not bring. Matxi put a SMS and we decided to eat raxiin. Punttasin pizza face, and this remained the last days of eating. Dom, SuzZ, RK-62, and PekPoy VJR were still coming towards Jyväskylä. They went to wait for kämpilleni.
Excitement was further enhanced by the knowledge that some of the characters would go to drive a car over the weekend. Although the license has been that I already have over three years, I have driven very little and kaupunkiajokokemusta is not much at all. My kuljettajameriitteinäni was not the driving skills, but temperance.
Matxi set aside while we wait for the can alkomahoolipitoista fluid, so we left my car keys I listed characters with the railway station. The station was only a landmark, because nobody came by train.
Upon arrival we found SuzZin and RK-62's cars from the parking lot. Or rather, I saw at first only SuzZin and his brother Dominican sitting in the car and when we walked next to another car without noticing increased to RM-62 came to introduce himself. Item arrived in VJR and PekPoy.
We drove cars kämppäni close to the parking lot to walk a few kilometers for Killer. The weather was an excellent vibe and a high level. The walk was quite pleasant, but others did not agree with me. Killer for we arrived just before the start and just maybe another reason why the place was watching sucks. Size Killer was fucked. We left half an hour to get out. Also drinking was supposed to make to buy even before the store closes.
Cars visiting ponder for a long time, what's next and what we are doing is the evening program. Legendary Jämsä Shell confirmed the next destination, but before leaving I needed a little kamppeita asunnoltani. So the characters were involved in opening one of us saw what kind of sättäilee. For some strange reason, they did not want to hear music from home stereo jumpannutta minutes longer.
SuzZ, Dom, Matxi and I left the first car to get Matxin goods in the second half of Jyväskylä. RK, and VJR PekPoy already started pre-Jämsä.
Travel was a little longer than I had expected, but sinnekin time was reached. Norman, JMT, and Frank had stayed in a standard place on the corner of the Shell parking lot. I do not really know the movements of the trio during the race, because they are so only in the parking lot and a big jump Urrian visiting on Friday night. Jämsä notkuttiin about four hours and during that time was to note how well the images of the characters became real experiences. The evening event is expected to be very interesting pictures. Sometimes three o'clock in the morning we left to navigate to sleep in Jyväskylä, Matxi own their apartment, and I, and the Dom SuzZ my kämpälleni. Then it happened that I had planned the whole evening. I got into my bed SuzZin! JES! *

Wake-up had been agreed at ten, but I woke up at eight o'clock already ungodly hunger. A couple of bread and a microwave pizza syötyäni I tried to sleep for a while, but quite in vain. All the waking moment, and reflection, Shopping TV's assurances excellent product excellence, we headed toward the wire through the Matxin Lands. We were in the parking lot an hour before the start of the first car back. We found a good viewing sites about a kilometer to reach stage of the paint. The sun was shining hot. One of the characters rather hoped rain, and as known, it may not be what you order. Prior to the start of the rain reached naatiskelemaan rally cars speed all the gravel and dust flying. It was the first piece of decent rally, which I never look at. Matxi and Dom took a lot of pictures of passing cars, and it seemed very successful. Electric pole on the road had remained kaatamatta. Fortunately, the rain is not irrigated so very much, but since the rally according to the radio the next pätkällä rained like Esther from the stern, we decided to leave the solution of Jyväskylä downtown to eat and check out the pavilion area.
Raxissa visits to a few hundred yards we walked the streets and the pedestrian bridge over the rally area. Exhibition hall on the wall was a large "Neste Rally HQ" sign would be needed I add. The area left of the band at WRC-scale model, and sunglasses. Tired legs. I had to get a seat. Then came the storm. Ferrari dominate the cap went off, but the devil-the symbolic cap did not have far. We went to the exhibition center in the protection of rain started and miettimme extension plans.
Rally weekend, the idea had come to the well-known: There is no long line of plans was not made, but all decisions were made in the prevailing situation and mood.
We went through trade Matxin marvel at the apartment. Cell phone was hot with other forumilaisiin. Let us go back to a shell of Jämsä, there would also be heard joe and Jr.
Just starts to move, a ringing cell phone moved toward the goal of Petäjävesi Essoa. It was customized with your appointed place, but it is good when that Petäjävesi even remember ... "The Village Blacksmith" or something. RK, and PekPoy VJR were already in place, and then wondered if the coming night and next morning patterns. The trio got shit else ate pizza. Joe and kotvasen Jr. arrived after the place indicated. We talked a long time, or should go to Urriaa Ouninpohja to watch. Ouninpohja choice would mean that in Jämsä, Shell would have been, after all, it is the place to go as soon as the original. But since we were arrived at Petäjävesi, we decided to go to run Urrian fiilistelemään special stages and especially in the big jumps. We had three cars on the move and the time the last vehicle. Jäinkin Urrialla briskly after the other, although I think a reasonable time, tough. A big jump out of the case were we to observe the location in more detail. Also Norman, JMT, Frank and their associates were to me unknown men suddenly arrived on the scene. Norman was otherwise stylish outfit. They went off the side of the point. The three-car porukkamme did not stay to wait for the next day, but we continued our journey towards Jämsää. I had the impression that Urrian gravel road then turn left and lähdinkin in that direction without the knowledge of the past, and while I jätättäneiden from the opposite direction. Point came the call that the others had gone in the wrong direction. lol
Jämsä Shell was reached some time, and twelve outside was really cold. Parking place katsastettiin situation that is best to sleep in the car and wake up at six, if you intend to make Ouninpohja time. I went to bed before many others, but it was the kind of stuff mixed with half a dream. I guess more specifically, was awake, but the quality of sleep time was wanting.


Senior Member
I woke up alone in the car and wondered this for a while. The same car the other sleepers SuzZ and Dom were Shell morning coffee, when shuffled inside. After a while, those present assembled, and went to a two-car effort Ouninpohja. The second car was me and SuzZ, Dom, and VJR, and another joe, Jr., Matxi, RK, and PekPoy. Ouninpohja looked at both of the special tests, of course, changing seats. Ekalla reippasti leg we were on time, the time was still arriving over one and a half hours was a piece of the start. In the second stage has some of the Finns in Estonia ääliöt ilkkuivat boys when Grönholm led, and Martin was forced to surrender second place. Point Bossen drove past the rally was from the radio that Marcus' driving has changed kävelyvauhdiksi ring to freeze along the route. Ilkkujat were pretty quiet. Vitutti. McRae after all, made quite a kohdallamme taiturointia drove almost the railing.
EK käppäilimme back to the end to cars. Race Fatigue and hit hard. Fortunately, I did not have to drive anymore. I was hoping really little that we do not go anymore to try to Himos pätkälle. Who knows what route we drove back to the Jämsä Shell. SuzZ and Dominic stopped himself and went towards the Kajaani.
The remaining, we decided to go even look at today's closing Himos damn, where she found it surprisingly easy. The car left the road side park, and walked some distance to the right swivel ysikymppiin. Sausages were clipped to eat. Some sort of kuvausryhmäkin was there. Burns received a round of applause to slow the pace. Just watched the WRC drivers' driving and we decided to head to Jyväskylä.
The plan failed in the early stages, it Jämsä-Jyväskylä interval was completely blocked. Retkueemme between the two cars was great differences of opinion. Between the other car was going to Jyväskylä a little twisting roads, the other was going to Jämsä. We decided to finally re-acquaintance Shell, which came to eat a good meal. Rallikoostekin began appropriately. Urrian might leap looked really vaisulta teeveestä. Surely Hilly muussille tires were gone.
Rest of the evening was the fatigue compared to a surprisingly comfortable. Initially, however, I was going to be pretty on tilt, eyes and mouth open tapillaan. Norman remarked hassusta ilmeestäni.
We talked also of course the F1-Forum's activities, as this was located a slew of powerful men.
Matxi was sober, because he drove RK car in Jyväskylä, where we left a little before twelve. Matxi not had difficulties to take boys chatter. RK-62 also seemed to have finally broken a little. Ride were VJR and PekPoy were under way, the song was enough, at least. RK, VJR and PekPoy kämpilleni came to bed. Sättäilimme harmistukseksi and noticed that the forum had been plunged into crisis. Fatigue and amazement came over the mind. Thankfully, the shower head. We designed menevämme the back of the cottage the next morning at ten. We started to sleep about half a four-time. The boys made it into a surprisingly good sleep on the floor.

We woke up one half a second of time, so the rally was watching it. Yes we were quite happy, after all that came to sleep quite well. The alternative would have been the day a small dormant. We went to dinner and wondered Kotipizza forum situation. We listened to the exciting racing on the radio instead of the second battle. Around three in the trio went to each his own reittiään home. I stayed Kämp sättäilemään.
Mr. Jones's rally ended on the weekend to practice.

We had the best forumilaisia ​​size 12 figure. Nine I had met before, even though I knew all looks like. Crowd was so nice that now yes annoying, when the next Jyskälän rally is only a year later. Pictures were taken after all, many cameras, so little material to be found aggravating.
Great weekend!


The first ever Jyväskylä ralliviikonloppuni began. I woke up at seven, and I checked the map yet, how exactly do I get a test-ek's arm. F1 Forum, black t-shirt on and a short walk along a piece of kämpiltä. Sit in the high slope of the hill about three hours, and my attention focused in particular on Grönholm, Hilly and Latvala extracts. Latvala seemed to slow.
I moved back to the Kämp half-day comment period and a time to live sättiin. Was little excitement in the air. What day would not bring. Matxi put a SMS and we decided to eat raxiin. Punttasin pizza face, and this remained the last days of eating. Dom, SuzZ, RK-62, and PekPoy VJR were still coming towards Jyväskylä. They went to wait for kämpilleni.
Excitement was further enhanced by the knowledge that some of the characters would go to drive a car over the weekend. Although the license has been that I already have over three years, I have driven very little and kaupunkiajokokemusta is not much at all. My kuljettajameriitteinäni was not the driving skills, but temperance.
Matxi set aside while we wait for the can alkomahoolipitoista fluid, so we left my car keys I listed characters with the railway station. The station was only a landmark, because nobody came by train.
Upon arrival we found SuzZin and RK-62's cars from the parking lot. Or rather, I saw at first only SuzZin and his brother Dominican sitting in the car and when we walked next to another car without noticing increased to RM-62 came to introduce himself. Item arrived in VJR and PekPoy.
We drove cars kämppäni close to the parking lot to walk a few kilometers for Killer. The weather was an excellent vibe and a high level. The walk was quite pleasant, but others did not agree with me. Killer for we arrived just before the start and just maybe another reason why the place was watching sucks. Size Killer was fucked. We left half an hour to get out. Also drinking was supposed to make to buy even before the store closes.
Cars visiting ponder for a long time, what's next and what we are doing is the evening program. Legendary Jämsä Shell confirmed the next destination, but before leaving I needed a little kamppeita asunnoltani. So the characters were involved in opening one of us saw what kind of sättäilee. For some strange reason, they did not want to hear music from home stereo jumpannutta minutes longer.
SuzZ, Dom, Matxi and I left the first car to get Matxin goods in the second half of Jyväskylä. RK, and VJR PekPoy already started pre-Jämsä.
Travel was a little longer than I had expected, but sinnekin time was reached. Norman, JMT, and Frank had stayed in a standard place on the corner of the Shell parking lot. I do not really know the movements of the trio during the race, because they are so only in the parking lot and a big jump Urrian visiting on Friday night. Jämsä notkuttiin about four hours and during that time was to note how well the images of the characters became real experiences. The evening event is expected to be very interesting pictures. Sometimes three o'clock in the morning we left to navigate to sleep in Jyväskylä, Matxi own their apartment, and I, and the Dom SuzZ my kämpälleni. Then it happened that I had planned the whole evening. I got into my bed SuzZin! JES! *

Wake-up had been agreed at ten, but I woke up at eight o'clock already ungodly hunger. A couple of bread and a microwave pizza syötyäni I tried to sleep for a while, but quite in vain. All the waking moment, and reflection, Shopping TV's assurances excellent product excellence, we headed toward the wire through the Matxin Lands. We were in the parking lot an hour before the start of the first car back. We found a good viewing sites about a kilometer to reach stage of the paint. The sun was shining hot. One of the characters rather hoped rain, and as known, it may not be what you order. Prior to the start of the rain reached naatiskelemaan rally cars speed all the gravel and dust flying. It was the first piece of decent rally, which I never look at. Matxi and Dom took a lot of pictures of passing cars, and it seemed very successful. Electric pole on the road had remained kaatamatta. Fortunately, the rain is not irrigated so very much, but since the rally according to the radio the next pätkällä rained like Esther from the stern, we decided to leave the solution of Jyväskylä downtown to eat and check out the pavilion area.
Raxissa visits to a few hundred yards we walked the streets and the pedestrian bridge over the rally area. Exhibition hall on the wall was a large "Neste Rally HQ" sign would be needed I add. The area left of the band at WRC-scale model, and sunglasses. Tired legs. I had to get a seat. Then came the storm. Ferrari dominate the cap went off, but the devil-the symbolic cap did not have far. We went to the exhibition center in the protection of rain started and miettimme extension plans.
Rally weekend, the idea had come to the well-known: There is no long line of plans was not made, but all decisions were made in the prevailing situation and mood.
We went through trade Matxin marvel at the apartment. Cell phone was hot with other forumilaisiin. Let us go back to a shell of Jämsä, there would also be heard joe and Jr.
Just starts to move, a ringing cell phone moved toward the goal of Petäjävesi Essoa. It was customized with your appointed place, but it is good when that Petäjävesi even remember ... "The Village Blacksmith" or something. RK, and PekPoy VJR were already in place, and then wondered if the coming night and next morning patterns. The trio got shit else ate pizza. Joe and kotvasen Jr. arrived after the place indicated. We talked a long time, or should go to Urriaa Ouninpohja to watch. Ouninpohja choice would mean that in Jämsä, Shell would have been, after all, it is the place to go as soon as the original. But since we were arrived at Petäjävesi, we decided to go to run Urrian fiilistelemään special stages and especially in the big jumps. We had three cars on the move and the time the last vehicle. Jäinkin Urrialla briskly after the other, although I think a reasonable time, tough. A big jump out of the case were we to observe the location in more detail. Also Norman, JMT, Frank and their associates were to me unknown men suddenly arrived on the scene. Norman was otherwise stylish outfit. They went off the side of the point. The three-car porukkamme did not stay to wait for the next day, but we continued our journey towards Jämsää. I had the impression that Urrian gravel road then turn left and lähdinkin in that direction without the knowledge of the past, and while I jätättäneiden from the opposite direction. Point came the call that the others had gone in the wrong direction. lol
Jämsä Shell was reached some time, and twelve outside was really cold. Parking place katsastettiin situation that is best to sleep in the car and wake up at six, if you intend to make Ouninpohja time. I went to bed before many others, but it was the kind of stuff mixed with half a dream. I guess more specifically, was awake, but the quality of sleep time was wanting.

Mistäs tän repäsit?


Well-known member
suom. "sijainti" toim.huom.
Melkein aloin jo rienaamaan tässä nyt kyllä, mutta tuplatsekkauksen jälkeen sanan "shokki" voikin näemmä kirjoittaa myös tolleesti täyshöhlästi muotoon "sokki".

Olen tyrmistynyt.


Melkein aloin jo rienaamaan tässä nyt kyllä, mutta tuplatsekkauksen jälkeen sanan "shokki" voikin näemmä kirjoittaa myös tolleesti täyshöhlästi muotoon "sokki".

Olen tyrmistynyt.
Olet oikeassa, sehän opetettiin jo viimeistään lukion äidinkielentunneilla.


No niin
The first ever Jyväskylä ralliviikonloppuni began. I woke up at seven, and I checked the map yet, how exactly do I get a test-ek's arm. F1 Forum, black t-shirt on and a short walk along a piece of kämpiltä. Sit in the high slope of the hill about three hours, and my attention focused in particular on Grönholm, Hilly and Latvala extracts. Latvala seemed to slow.


Well-known member
Iltalehden sivuilla on seuraava kysymys:

"Pitäisikö pitkiin ehdollisiin tuomioihin kuulua ehdoton jakso?"

Siis mitä hemmettiä. Jos ehdollisessa vankeustuomiossa on ehdoton vankeus niin sitten kyseessä on ehdoton vankeus eikä ehdollinen vankeus. Kumminkin korkeintaan kahden vuoden mittainen tuomio voidaan antaa ehdollisena niin onko sillä nyt paskaakaan väliä. Kumminkin rattijuopumuksestakin voi pahimmillaan saada ton kaksi vuotta vankeutta. Mun mielestä on aivan turha laittaa ensikertalaisia juoppokuskeja vankilaan elleivät ole aiheuttaneet mitään vahinkoa. Tollaset lyhyet vankeustuomiot olisivat tosi ongelmallisia yhteiskunnalle. Ensinnäkin vankilat täyttyisivät ja toisekseen vankeuteen tuomittu menettäisi automaattisesti työpaikkansa ja joutuisi sen jälkeen turvautumaan sosiaaliavustuksiin ja muihin.
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