Katselin tuossa Lausitz Rallysta videota ja meni kyllä itsellä listalle rallina mikä ois siisti kokea!
Ehdottomasti paras ralli Saksassa
Osaisiko joku avata tuon sarjan pistelaskumenetelmää? Seniori Andervang voittanut kauden aikana kuusi rallia seitsemästä, mutta silti ei riittänyt mestaruuteen. Onko luokassa lähtijöiden määrällä jokin kerroin?
I hope it's okay if I answer in English, my Finnish wouldn't be up to the task yet

Points are scored by three diffenrent factors: Firstly a few points for showing up to the rally at all (60 points).
Secondly points for position in class (RC2 to RC5 plus nine naational classes) relative to starters in class (tending to a maximum of 300 points for first place and lots of starters).
Thirdly the same with categories: FWD, RWD, AWD and RC2 (tending to a maximum of 200 points), but only the drivers entered in the championship are counted as starters.
All that is multiplied by a factor accounting for the difference in length of the rallies.
Points tables can be found at the end of this document:
All in all, pretty complicated points system but ensuring that any car can win the championship.
RC2 cars were only allowed to score points from the beginning of this year. The extra category for RC2 is a bit unfair as there aren't many on the line so the maximum points are low. This was especially true for Lausitz as Stig Andervang was the only Schottercup starter in RC2 category and thus could only score 100 category points instead of close to 200...