FIA teki paljon hyviä ja autourheilun tulevaisuuteen vaikuttavia päätöksiä eilen.
F1-uutiset ja Jyväskylän ralli uutisoitiin, mutta GT-päätöksiä ei "luonnollisestikkaan" suomalaismediassa esitelty.
GT-luokkien FIA:n arvosarjojen osalta asiat meni niinkuin oli jo "tiedossakin". Miten kaikki sitten toteutuu onkin jo toinen juttu.
FIA GT-arvosarjat 2010 alkaen
Promoottorina jatkaa SRO
GT1-MM-sarjaksi 2010
-MM-sarja starttaa 2010, (nykytiedon mukaan hieman nykyisiä alemmas viritetyillä GT1-kalustolla).
-Yksityiset teamit ja ammattikuljettajat
GT2-luokalle Euroopan Mestaruussarja
-uusien luokituksien mukaiset autot poikkeavat hieman nykyisistä
-yksityiset teamit ja semi-pro kuskit
GT3-luokalle EM-sarja
-yksityisteamit ja ei-pro kuskit
GT4-sarja ajaanee edelleen Euroopan cup arvosta
-kuten 2008 ja 2009 pääosin samoissa tapahtumissa kuin euro GT2 ja GT3
ja ohessa sama lontooksi
24/06/2009 World Motor Sport Council confirms SRO as promoter of new FIA GT1 World Championship
During today's meeting of the FIA's World Motor Sport Council, it was confirmed that the FIA has reached agreement with SRO to be the promoter of the new FIA GT1 World Championship from 2010.
As part of this agreement, the FIA GT Championship (GT1 and GT2) and the GT3 European Championship, will be split into three distinct and easily identifiable FIA GT Championships. The FIA GT1 World Championship will be for independent teams and professional drivers, the FIA GT2 European Championship for independent teams and pro-am driver crews, and the FIA GT3 European Championship for independent teams and non-professional drivers.
Stephane Ratel, chairman of SRO, commented : “After more than 15 years of development in rebuilding GT racing, in order to help it regain its position as a major motorsport category, I would like to thank President Mosley for his continuous support. I believe we have a tremendous opportunity to build up a major Championship with a truly global reach. The new GT1 cars will embody all of the glamour and excitement of GT racing, while giving a cost-effective formula to the independent teams who wish to compete for a real World Championship title. Our effort in building up the FIA GT1 World Championship will not distract us from the launch of the new FIA GT2 European Championship, or from guaranteeing the ongoing success of the FIA GT3 European Championship.”
The next steps will be :
- World Motor Sport Council October 2009 Publication of the calendars of the FIA GT Championships
- 30th November 2009 Closing date for entries for the 2010 FIA GT1 World Championship
- World Motor Sport Council December 2009 Publication of the entry list, and official launch, of the 2010 FIA GT1 World Championship
- 28th February 2010 Closing date for entries for the 2010 FIA GT2 and GT3 European Championships
- February 2010 Official Test Day for the 2010 FIA GT1 World Championship
- March 2010 1st round of the 2010 FIA GT1 World Championship