Entinen CIA-agentti Everette Howard Hunt väittää "kuolemansa jälkeisissä" tunnustuksissa että JFK:n murhan taustalla on Lyndon B. Johnson.
Ote Wikipediasta (sivulta löytyy linkkejä erinäisiin artikkeleihin, mm. alla mainittuun Rolling Stonen juttuun) :
The April 5, 2007 issue of Rolling Stone contained an extensive article on Hunt, based in large part on an interview with his eldest son, Howard (nicknamed Saint John by his mother). It describes Hunt's alleged deathbed confessions of his supposed knowledge and indirect complicity in the JFK assassination.[18]
Among other things, the article claims that Hunt, in hand-written notes and a voice recording to Saint John, implicated Lyndon B. Johnson, and CIA operative Cord Meyer as the key players in the JFK assassination conspiracy.
According to Hunt's son, Hunt claimed the other assassin was a French gunman on the grassy knoll, often identified in other assassination theories as Lucien Sarti.
Among the materials provided by Hunt to his son, are several handwritten documents detailing the participants and chronology of events involved with the assassination plot, including a Chain of Command indicating the involvement of several C.I.A. agents and placing then Vice-President Lyndon Johnson as the head of command.
Ote Wikipediasta (sivulta löytyy linkkejä erinäisiin artikkeleihin, mm. alla mainittuun Rolling Stonen juttuun) :
The April 5, 2007 issue of Rolling Stone contained an extensive article on Hunt, based in large part on an interview with his eldest son, Howard (nicknamed Saint John by his mother). It describes Hunt's alleged deathbed confessions of his supposed knowledge and indirect complicity in the JFK assassination.[18]
Among other things, the article claims that Hunt, in hand-written notes and a voice recording to Saint John, implicated Lyndon B. Johnson, and CIA operative Cord Meyer as the key players in the JFK assassination conspiracy.
According to Hunt's son, Hunt claimed the other assassin was a French gunman on the grassy knoll, often identified in other assassination theories as Lucien Sarti.
Among the materials provided by Hunt to his son, are several handwritten documents detailing the participants and chronology of events involved with the assassination plot, including a Chain of Command indicating the involvement of several C.I.A. agents and placing then Vice-President Lyndon Johnson as the head of command.