Verizon Indycar Series 2017


The Trulli Train
Juttua Aleshinista HS:n nettisivuilla: Ura oli katkolla pakotteiden vuoksi.
”Ajattelin jo, että antaa olla, mutta nyt sieltä tuli sellainen tarjous että siihen oli syytä tarttua”, SMP Racingin urheilujohtajana yli kolme vuotta työskennellyt ex-formulakuski Mika Salo kertoi. ”Tämä vuosi on Aljošinille se, jolloin läpimurtoa on syytä odottaa. Nyt pitää voittaa.”
Mikhail Aleshin jatkaa Schmidt Peterson Motorsportsin väreissä IndyCar uraansa myös kaudella 2017.


Well-known member
Meinaakohan ne joskus saada kautta pidennettyä, kun indythän lopettelee turhan aikaisin aina syksyllä.
Ja tietysti edelleen se ikuisuustoive suomikuskeista sarjaan, kuitenkin yksi näkyvimmistä ja arvostetuimmista


Well-known member
Meinaakohan ne joskus saada kautta pidennettyä, kun indythän lopettelee turhan aikaisin aina syksyllä.
Ja tietysti edelleen se ikuisuustoive suomikuskeista sarjaan, kuitenkin yksi näkyvimmistä ja arvostetuimmista
Varmasti kausi pitenee sitten kun on sen aika ja sille on tilaus. Ensi kausi päättyy 17. syyskuuta mikä ei mielestäni ole ihan kohtuuton, vaikkakin tammi-helmikuun yli jatkuva off-season pitkä edelleen onkin. Arvostus on vähän suhteellista, ovaalikisojen lipunmyynti Indy 500 pois lukien on usein jäänyt alle tavoitteiden.


Well-known member
No typerä yleisö nyt harvemmin osaa arvostaa oikeita lajeja, mutta kyllähän Indycar koko olemassaolonsa ajan variaatioineen on ollut
asiantuntijoiden listoilla korkealla kun formulaluokista puhutaan. Ja toisaalta jossain briteissäkin ollu aina arvostettu ja kuskeja lähtenyt
sinne menestymään jo kauan aikaa. Sehän on selvä että Suomessakin tarvittaisiin joku sinne voittamaan että täällä ymmärrettäisiin
asiasta mitään.


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Tottahan toki lajin ja tekniikan päälle syvällisemmin ymmärtävää väkeä on vähemmän. Luulenpa, että esim. F1sten siirtyessä turbomoottoreihin, valtaosalle yleisöstä oli ylipäänsä vierasta mikä se turbo on ja miten se toimii ja millä kustannuksella.

Mutta eri mantereilla ajettava, tasaisemmin vuoteen levittyvä sarja vaatii sen firmalippu/bandwagon-porukan sinne lehtereille
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K. August

Well-known member
Ja tietysti edelleen se ikuisuustoive suomikuskeista sarjaan, kuitenkin yksi näkyvimmistä ja arvostetuimmista
Mazda Road to Indy olisi nuorelle kuskille hyvä vaihtoehto, jos raha ei riitä Euroopan feeder-sarjoissa jatkamiseen. Tosin jos tukijoita F1-tavoitteelle ei löydy, niin varsinkin suomalaisen voi olla vielä vaikeampi löytää tukijoita IndyCar-haaveille, vaikka Indy Lights kausi onkin GP2-kautta halvempi.

Ja F1:n saavuttaneilla suomalaisilla ei välttämättä ole hirveästi halua IndyCariin, kun tuskin ovat koskaan uraa siellä suunnitelleet. Helpommin rahan saa automerkin leivissä urheiluautoissa.

Mitä IndyCarin arvostukseen tulee, niin väittäisin Indy 500:aa suurimmaksi voitoksi F1:n ja NASCAR:in ulkopuolella. Mutta jonkinlainen kutsumustyö se kuskeille myös varmasti on; helpommalla rahan saa muualla tienattua.

K. August

Well-known member
ESPN Playerilta tuli sähköpostia, että helmikuun 31. päivään :D asti olisi kausipassi 35% alennuksella, hintaa olisi 49,99 €. Normaali hinta siis vajaat 80 €. Kuukausitilauksen hinta on 14,99 ja yhden kisan tilaus 6,99.

Muuten jopa tarttuisin tuohon tarjoukseen, mutta en ole täysin tyytyväinen ESPN Playeriin.

500:aa ja kauden päätöstä varten olen yleensä ESPN Playeristä maksanut, ettei mikään piratismin vastainen operaatio estä katsomasta kauden suurinta spektaakkelia. Mutta silti olen kisan lopulta muista streameista katsonut; ESPN Playerin viive on ihan hirveä, eikä se edes aloita jenkkilähetyksen alusta ja loppuu kesken jenkkilähetyksen. Ja ainakin NBC:n grafiikat koen informatiivisemmiksi kuin ESPN Playerissä käytetyt.

Toinen seikka on sitten aika-ajot. On se kumma, että niitä ei voi ESPN Playeriin laittaa, vaikka NBCSN useimmiten tuottaakin niistä suoran lähetyksen.


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Vähän vielä pitää harkita, ottaako kausipakettia viime vuoden kokemusten perusteella. Sen verran vaihtelevan tasoisia lähetyksiä sieltä tuli.

JJ:n debyyttikisa ilmestynyt katsottavaksi Youtubeen ja Indycar.comiin
Grand Prix of Miami 1998


Walk a Crooked Mile
Niinhän siinä ikävä kyllä kävi, että KV Racing Technologyn tarina tuli päätökseensä.

By INDYCAR | Published: Feb 16, 2017

KV Racing Technology, the Indy car team that collected seven race wins over 14 seasons including the 2013 Indianapolis 500, announced today that it will no longer compete in the Verizon IndyCar Series.

The team did not submit an entry for the 2017 season and joint statements from co-owners Kevin Kalkhoven and Jimmy Vasser confirmed the news today.

“I want to thank all those who have written to express their appreciation of the efforts of KV Racing Technology during the last 14 years,” said Kalkhoven, who originally formed what was PK Racing in 2003 with Formula One team and driver manager Craig Pollock. “However as I approach 73 (years old), I feel I can no longer give the team the effort and support (that) the team members deserve.

“I have really enjoyed my time in the series, helping with (Indy car racing’s 2008) reunification and, of course, winning ‘The Greatest Spectacle in Racing,’ the Indianapolis 500!”

Vasser joined as a co-owner and driver in 2004 and, along with businessman Dan Pettit’s ownership interest, the team became PKV Racing. It was renamed KV Racing Technology in 2008 with Kalkhoven and Vasser, then retired as a driver, the co-owners. James “Sulli” Sullivan formed an alliance with the team in 2011 and partnered with Kalkhoven and Vasser to form KVSH Racing in 2014 and field one of the team’s fulltime entries the past three seasons.

“I want to thank all the fans who have supported the team over the years,” said Vasser (shown with Kaklhoven (left) in photo at right). “I also want to thank Kevin Kalkhoven for giving me the special and unique opportunity to transition from a driver to a team owner while I was still driving.

“I am very proud to have been a part of this team and I will always cherish all the great people and drivers we worked side-by-side with to achieve our successes,” added Vasser, whose Indy car driving career included 10 wins and the 1996 CART championship. “It has been a journey of many ups and downs, but I will always remember winning the 2013 Indy 500. Indy car racing has been a part of my life for 25 years, it is in my soul and it will be interesting to see where it takes me from here.”

The team picked up its first Indy car win in 2005 with Cristiano da Matta at Portland International Raceway. Others to drive for the team included Bryan Herta, Max Papis, Oriol Servia, Will Power, Paul Tracy, Takuma Sato, Rubens Barrichello and Sebastien Bourdais. Power drove to victory for KV in the 2008 Long Beach race while Bourdais took the checkered flag for the team four times in the past three seasons.

But the biggest win of all came with Kanaan in the 2013 Indianapolis 500. Now driving for Chip Ganassi Racing, Kanaan reflected on the loss of KV Racing Technology during the Verizon IndyCar Series open test at Phoenix Raceway on Feb. 10.

“It's weird or sad to see a team go, regardless of what those people are,” said Kanaan (shown in the photo above taking his 2013 Indy 500 victory lap in a pace car with wife Lauren, Kalkhoven and Vasser). “But for me, especially that team that we won the biggest race of our lives together, and that's the team that we struggled together, and I remember how we struggled to get where we got. And honestly, we only made it this far because of that win.

“Unfortunately, it's racing. I think it's everybody's reality. I mean, it's just the way it is. People come and go. But that was one thing that, from the bottom of my heart, I didn't want to see it go.”

Kalkhoven, who retains an ownership stake in the annual Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach on the Verizon IndyCar Series schedule, sees solid days ahead for the sport.

“It is my firm belief that the series is on a major upswing under the leadership of Mark Miles (Hulman & Co. CEO) and Jay Frye (INDYCAR president of competition and operations) and has a bright future,” Kalkhoven said. “I remain committed to help in any way I can, particularly in encouraging new owners and sponsors – in particular Ricardo Juncos, to whom we will be offering our support.

“To all the fans who follow the series and cheered for KVRT, my heartfelt thanks and please spread the good word about the fantastic sport we have.”
Näillä näkymin reilun kolmen viikon päästä ajettavassa kauden avauksessa on mukana 21 kuljettajaa/autoa, joista 12 ovat joko Pensken, Andrettin tai Ganassin ajattamia.


Well-known member
Vielä kaksi viikkoa ja rapiat ja sitten alkaa. Väliajalla Ricky Taylor on testannut Pensken autoa tallin yksityisessä testissä Homestead-Miami Speedwaylla.


Vaikka kyse olikin vain kokeilusta, Taylor ei kiellä mahdollisuuksia avopyöräisissä.


Walk a Crooked Mile
Uutinen parin päivän takaa: Juncos Racing on julkistanut osallistuvansa tänä vuonna Indyyn. Kuljettaja- ja moottorikysymykset ovat vielä avoinna.


Juncos Racing announced today its intention to enter the 101st Running of the Indianapolis 500 presented by PennGrade Motor Oil at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Juncos Racing, founded by Argentinean Ricardo Juncos, is a highly successful team running in the Mazda Road to Indy presented by Cooper Tires development ladder competition. The team currently fields two cars in the Indy Lights Series. Juncos Racing captured the 2015 Indy Lights driver championship with current Verizon IndyCar Series driver Spencer Pigot and has also claimed multiple driver and team championships in the Pro Mazda Series.

“I am so happy to officially announce our participation in the Verizon IndyCar Series,” said Juncos. “This is a dream come true for me and my team. It’s been only two months since our grand opening of the new Juncos Technical Center, which was a huge moment for us. Now we are becoming a new team in the Verizon IndyCar Series and will run in ‘The Greatest Spectacle in Racing,’ the Indianapolis 500. This is definitely one of the biggest moments in my life.”

Juncos Racing relocated its headquarters in November 2016 to a new, state-of-art facility in Speedway, Indiana. The 40,000-square-foot building hosts multiple office spaces, eight car bays, paint booth, simulator room and machine shop, along with parking for multiple transporters.

This May will mark the first appearance for Juncos Racing in the Indianapolis 500 as it expands its program to include the Verizon IndyCar Series. Driver and manufacturer announcements will come at a later date.

“It’s always hard to identify the right moment and right time to make a big move and make big decisions in motor racing, but I am confident the timing is right and that we will succeed as we did in the Mazda Road to Indy ladder series,” Juncos said. “I want to thank Mark Miles (Hulman & Co. CEO) and Jay Frye (INDYCAR president of competition and operations) from the Verizon IndyCar Series for all of their help and confidence they have had in me and my team. I also want to thank Mr. Kevin Kalkhoven from KV Racing Technology. He has been extremely helpful during this transition and, with his continued support and help with all of his experience in racing, we are confident going into this next level. Thank you to my family and my team for giving me massive support throughout the years, and to all of the fans, thank you!”

Frye welcomed the Juncos Racing news, pointing to it as successful evidence of the Mazda Road to Indy’s mission.

“INDYCAR has been fortunate to have many drivers graduate from the Mazda Road to Indy program to the Verizon IndyCar Series, and those drivers have done a phenomenal job over the years,” said Frye. “Another goal of the Mazda Road to Indy program is to graduate teams and INDYCAR is working hard to help create opportunities for those teams to move up to the Verizon IndyCar Series. Ricardo and Juncos Racing have a great history of success, and we are proud to have them become a part of the Verizon IndyCar Series.”

Kalkhoven, the KV Racing Technology co-owner, is eager to lend his support to the Juncos Racing effort for the Indianapolis 500.

“We are delighted Ricardo is developing a program to progress to the Indy 500 and beyond,” Kalkhoven said. “We are committed to helping him and his team with our experience, equipment and data to best ensure a successful entry.”

Ricardo Juncos, a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, moved to the United States in 2002 after financially tough times plagued Argentina’s motorsports community. Juncos began working for a small karting team located in Florida and eventually started his own karting program.

Juncos Racing joined the Mazda Road to Indy in 2009 running with driver Peter Dempsey in the Star Mazda championship, now known as the Pro Mazda Championship presented by Cooper Tires. The following year, the team captured the 2010 Star Mazda championship with current Verizon IndyCar Series driver Conor Daly. The team has earned seven championships, 41 wins and 45 pole positions in Indy Lights and Pro Mazda competition.
About Juncos Racing

Juncos Racing is a championship-winning Mazda Road to Indy team currently running in Indy Lights presented by Cooper Tires. [--]
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Pari viikkoa pitäisi vielä malttaa kauden avausta; vähäksi käy odotus ennen kuin se loppuu. On tämä tauko tuntunut taas NIIN pitkältä.


Walk a Crooked Mile
Tänään sitten ensimmäiset harjoitukset ja ne on nähtävissä YouTubesta. 14.55 paikkeilla pitäisi lähetyksen alkaa...

Viime hetken uutisista mainittakoot, että Dixonin autoon löytyi sponsori...

By INDYCAR | Published: Mar 7, 2017

Four-time Verizon IndyCar Series champion Scott Dixon will carry GE LED Lighting as the primary sponsor for his No. 9 Honda at the 2017 season opener, the Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg, according to Chip Ganassi Racing's official announcement today.

In addition, NTT Data, the primary sponsor on the No. 10 Honda of teammate Tony Kanaan, will provide associate sponsorship on Dixon’s car for the March 10-12 race weekend.

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersrburg entry list

"With more than a century of engineering game-changing lighting products, we can appreciate the science and physics that go into each Indy car race,” said Daraius Patell, general manager of GE’s North America consumer lighting. “That's why we're proud to represent Scott and Chip Ganassi Racing, and our team at GE Lighting will be cheering for a win in the season opener in St. Petersburg."

The announcement continues a relationship between GE and Chip Ganassi Racing that dates to 2012. GE sponsored Dario Franchitti’s car for races in 2012 and ’13, Kanaan in 2014 and ’16 and Sage Karam in 2015. GE has been at the forefront of LED (light-emitting diode) technology that brings long life and quality in consumer lighting while also saving energy.

“I want to first thank GE for being such a great partner for the team over the years,” said Scott Lauletta, president of Chip Ganassi Racing. “We’re proud to have enjoyed a long relationship with them – and in sports those are very hard to come by. We’ve partnered together in the past with paint scheme races in St. Petersburg, but this will be the first time Scott will carry the livery for us on the (No.) 9 car.”

Dixon is entering his 17th Indy car season as the fourth all-time winner with 40 victories. He has finished second at St. Petersburg three times in his career, but never won on the 1.8-mile temporary street circuit.

“I can’t get wait to get back to St. Petersburg and get this season going,” Dixon said. “We’ve had some big changes over the offseason, including a manufacturer move to Honda, and I know our team is up for the challenge. GE has a long history with Ganassi over the years and they are a partner that truly incorporates their technology into our race teams – you see it every time you walk into the race shops the crews work in. Having them on board for the No. 9 car with NTT Data should make for a great combination to start off the year.”

This year’s Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg will mark the 14th time that Indy cars race on the streets of the city and a runway of Albert Whitted Airport. It also will be the seventh straight year that the St. Pete race opens the Verizon IndyCar Series season. On-track action begins with practice at 11:15 a.m. ET Friday. All sessions leading up to the race will have live video streaming and timing and scoring available at The 110-lap race airs live at noon ET Sunday on ABC and the Advance Auto Parts INDYCAR Radio Network.

Lainaukseen upotettu myös alkuperäisestä uutisesta linkit osallistujalistaan sekä live-seurantaan sarjan nettisivuilta.

Ja tuosta vielä viikonlopun aikataulu kaikkien luokkien osalta.
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Well-known member
Lainaukseen upotettu myös alkuperäisestä uutisesta linkit osallistujalistaan sekä live-seurantaan sarjan nettisivuilta.

Ja tuosta vielä viikonlopun aikataulu kaikkien luokkien osalta.
Eli Lightsit, USF2000 ja Pro Mazda näkyvät youtuben suoratoistona?

Kyllä on pitkältä tuntunut tauko, mutta nyt se viimein alkaa :thumbup:


Walk a Crooked Mile
Eli Lightsit, USF2000 ja Pro Mazda näkyvät youtuben suoratoistona?

Kyllä on pitkältä tuntunut tauko, mutta nyt se viimein alkaa :thumbup:
Anteeksi että vastaaminen kesti liian kauan; otan opikseni. Ja vastaus on/oli että ainakin Lightsit ja USF2000 striimattiin mitä nyt ehdin sivusilmällä muulta puuhastelulta vilkaista.

Ja tässä tämän päivän striimi. USF2000:n ensimmäinen kisa alkaa ihan justiinsa.


Walk a Crooked Mile
Honda ja Chevrolet jatkavat sarjan moottoritoimittajina monivuotisilla sopimuksilla.

By INDYCAR | Published: Mar 10, 2017

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – INDYCAR continues building momentum and solidifying its future by today announcing that manufacturers Chevrolet and Honda have signed multiyear contract extensions to supply engines for the Verizon IndyCar Series.

The announcement follows those earlier this year that chassis maker Dallara and tire supplier Firestone have also signed multiyear extensions, meaning all four major manufacturers have committed to the sport.

"This is a unique moment in the recent history of the Verizon IndyCar Series," said Jay Frye, INDYCAR president of competition and operations. "To have all of our major manufacturers locked in with us for the foreseeable future points to the fact that they all have bought into the vision for the Verizon IndyCar Series. It’s another sign of the positive momentum we continue to build as we grow this sport into the next decade."

The alignment of all four manufacturers for multiple years is a key component of INDYCAR’s five-year plan for the Verizon IndyCar Series that Frye unveiled in January. Under the plan, aerodynamic regulations were frozen this season for the kits produced by Chevrolet and Honda in preparation for a universal aero kit to be used by all cars in 2018.

In keeping with INDYCAR’s 2017 theme of "NEXT," confirming the two engine manufacturers for the future also lays the groundwork for attracting additional original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to be the next to compete in the Verizon IndyCar Series.

"We have worked hard to harness the power of the paddock so we are all pulling together, and this is evidence of that," Frye said. "The fact both Honda and Chevrolet are encouraging INDYCAR to attract additional OEMs to compete is a sure sign that we are on the same page."

INDYCAR debuted initial renderings of the 2018 car look in January at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. In addition to being more aesthetically pleasing to the eye, the car will have enhanced safety through the reduction of aero parts on the top of the car. Additional downforce will be created from underneath the car and less drag off the back of the car, creating even better on-track competition. More details about the car and its look will be unveiled in coming weeks, with the goal of having it ready to test on track this summer.

The 2017 Verizon IndyCar Series season begins this weekend with the Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg, with today’s announcement capitalizing on the growing momentum of the past few seasons. Television ratings and viewership of Verizon IndyCar Series races has increased 55 percent over the past three years. Six events in 2016 reported record attendance, including the first announced sellout in the 100-race history of the Indianapolis 500 presented by PennGrade Motor Oil.

Social media numbers continue to skyrocket, with INDYCAR increasing its followers in January and February by 241 percent on Facebook and an astounding 806 percent on Twitter over the same months last year. Last month’s Phoenix Raceway open test drew more than 600,000 unique viewers to its live streaming.

The Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg airs live at noon ET Sunday on ABC and the Advance Auto Parts INDYCAR Radio Network. The remainder of the 17-race schedule includes the 101st Running of the Indianapolis 500 as well as visits to iconic Indy car venues including Phoenix Raceway, the streets of Long Beach, Road America, Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course and Watkins Glen International.


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Nyt siellä on aika-ajot kuivan aurinkoisessa säässä meneillään. Scott Dixon selvisi aika-ajoryhmän 2 nopeimpana. Ryhmän 1 nopein oli Will Power.

E: Ja Fast 6:n tuloksia

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