Otteita Reutersin uutisesta:
-Millions blocked from voting in U.S. election.
-There are individuals and officials who are actively trying to stop people from voting who they think will vote against their party and that nearly always means stopping black people from voting Democratic," said Mary Frances Berry, head of the U.S. Commission on Human Rights.
-The largest category of those legally disenfranchised consists of almost 5 million former felons who have served prison sentences and been released.
-In total, 13 percent of all black men are barred from voting due to a felony conviction, according to the Commission on Civil Rights. Polls consistently find that black Americans overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.
-The commission, in a report earlier this year, said that in Florida, where President George W. Bush won a bitterly disputed election in 2000 by 537 votes, black voters had been 10 times more likely than non-black voters to have their ballots rejected and were often prevented from voting because their names were erroneously purged from registration lists.
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