Honda RA106


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2004 valittiin parhaaksi? Muistatko milloin se tuli käyttöön?

Muistaakseni Mosley siitä valitteli erityisesti off-seasonilla 04-05.


Scottsdale, Phoenix, AZ.
Barco:[ sanoi:
2004 valittiin parhaaksi? Muistatko milloin se tuli käyttöön?

Muistaakseni Mosley siitä valitteli erityisesti off-seasonilla 04-05.
Pahoittelut väärästä sana valinnastani!
Kaudella 2004 se tuli käyttöön ja kyseisen kauden jälkeen se "valittiin" jossain F1 maailman arvosteluissa parhaaksi.

Tätä aiemmin taisivat ostaa BAR lohdunsa Getragilta, jollen väärin muista.. :dunno:


Scottsdale, Phoenix, AZ.
Ellis and Nakamoto pleased after promising Valencia test

The Honda Racing F1 Team continues to be among the pre-season pace-setters displaying encouraging speed and reliability in chilly Spain this week.

The testing action switched from Barcelona to the slower, more technical track at Valencia this week and there were more encouraging signs for all at Honda.

"It has been another very good test for us this week with the new Honda Racing F1 Team RA106 cars,” confirmed Mark Ellis, Chief Engineer Vehicle Performance. “We have again had to contend with poor weather and track conditions, however the cars have proven to be fast and consistent in all conditions. Despite a couple of small issues, we are happy with the reliability of the new car. We look forward to continuing our development programme in Jerez next week."

Although the team experienced a rare engine failure, Shuhei Nakamoto, Engineering Director, Honda Racing Development, was pleased with the overall level of performance. He reported: "We have gained a little more top power and an improved torque curve after this test. Our target is 100 per cent reliability so we still have work to do in the coming weeks, but overall we have made good progress."



Well-known member
Nostetaanpas foorumin tärkeintä toikkia vähäsen.. Hondalla on ollut viime kuukausina suhteellisen hiljaista, päähuomion keskittyessä McLareniin (Tombazisin, Räikkösen ja Montoyan lähdöt sekä yleisluontoinen kriisi), Renaultiin (Alonson lähtö, Renaultin lähtö koko sarjasta tai taloudellisen panostuksen merkittävä pienennys) ja Ferrariin (joko se Shumi nyt lopultakin sitten lopettaisi ja koska se Kimin sopimus oikein julkistetaan). Honda (BAR) on jo vuosia ollut suhteellisen hiljainen talli ja tallin tapahtumat eivät ole sen kummempaa mekkalaa saaneet aikaan. Poislukien tietysti Juudas Etananaisen sopimustöppäilyt Wiliamsin kanssa, mutta sekin on nyt menneen talven lumia.

Näin ollen medianäkyvyyden lisäykselle uudessa huipputallissa on ollut tilausta, niinpä Honda on tehnyt viisivuotisen sopimuksen herran nimeltä Simon Fuller kanssa. Kaveri on tunnettu maailmanlaajuisen idols-kisan markkinoinnista ja Spice Girlsistä, joten herra on totisesti ansioitunut paskanmyyjä. PR:n merkitys on nykyformuloissa yksi tärkeimpiä osa-alueita: jokainen pitää McLarenia huipputallina vaikka se ei ole voittanut mitään tällä vuosikymmenellä, eikä kovin kummoinen ennustaja tarvitse olla tietääkseen, ettei asia aivan heti ole muuttumassa. Budjetti on kohdallaan onnistuneen markkinoinnin takia, rahaa on millä maksaa Paragorn ja vaikka Räikkösen saavutuksiin nähden naurettavan korkea palkka.

Hondan sponsorilista kaipaa lisänimiä, kun BAT sieltä kohta poistuu ja näin yksi F1-historian kauneimpia tarinoita saa osittaisen loppunsa. Fuller on varmasti oikea mies niitä löytämään. Nick Fryn sanoin:”"We want kids to grow up saying they want to be a racing driver when, at the moment, they want to be pop stars or footballers." Fry on saanut myös Ecclestonen siunauksen tälle liikkeelle, koska Hondan suosion nousu olisi piristysruiske muuten niin jämähtäneeseen lajiin. Ei näistä tylsistä kuljettajista koskaan tule yhtä kiinnostavia kuin poptähdistä, eikä tämä kello neljä ruuhkalta vaikuttava laji voi ikinä vetää vertoja jalkapallolle. Tarinan ennakoitavuus ei myöskään ikinä voi vetää vertoja hyvin kirjoitetulle TV-sarjalle, mutta Fullerin kaltaisen miehen palkkaaminen on oikea askel kiinnostavuuden mielikuvien luomiseen.
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Well-known member
"Fullerin kaltaisen miehen palkkaaminen on oikea askel kiinnostavuuden mielikuvien luomiseen"
Olihan toi vitsi?

Toisekseen itse parrista, eihän siellä ole oikeastaan yhtään mitään mistä pitää meteliä, no ehkä korkeintaan se toinen kuski joka on harrastanut n. viisi vuotta huoranpestiä punaisessa autossa


Well-known member
kessel sanoi:
"Fullerin kaltaisen miehen palkkaaminen on oikea askel kiinnostavuuden mielikuvien luomiseen"
Olihan toi vitsi?

Toisekseen itse parrista, eihän siellä ole oikeastaan yhtään mitään mistä pitää meteliä, no ehkä korkeintaan se toinen kuski joka on harrastanut n. viisi vuotta huoranpestiä punaisessa autossa
Noh, noh! Kyllä Honda-merkki pitäisi olla laadun tae. Ja on se toinenkin kuski luotettava ja nopea kuljettaja. Toivon japsi-merkkien kunnon läpimurtoa.


jupla sanoi:
Noh, noh! Kyllä Honda-merkki pitäisi olla laadun tae. Ja on se toinenkin kuski luotettava ja nopea kuljettaja. Toivon japsi-merkkien kunnon läpimurtoa.
Koska ajat itse japsilla?


Well-known member
kessel sanoi:
se toinen kuski joka on harrastanut n. viisi vuotta huoranpestiä punaisessa autossa
Barrichello ei mitään ihmeellistä liksaa Ferrarilta nostanut, joten on liioiteltua puhua huoraamisesta. Kyse lieni lähinnä parempien vaihtoehtojen puutteesta staattisessa Ferrari, McLaren ja Wiliams -tilanteessa.

Muutama vuosi sitten McLaren, Toyota ja Ferrari olivat ainoat tallit, joiden palkkabudjetit kuljettajia lukuunottamatta ylittivät 30 miljoonan dollarin rajan. Wiliamsilla vastaava oli n. 25 miljoonaa, Renaultilla vain n. 15 ja muilla vielä selvästi vähemmän. Myös kuljettajilleen Ferrari, Toyota ja McLaren ovat perinteisesti maksaneet täysin älyttömiä palkkoja (Shumi 30 m€, Ralf 20 m€, Kimi 15 m€). Eiköhän ne (raha)huorat löydy jostain aivan muualta kuin Hondalta. Toki nyt muiden on ollut pakko nostaa palkkojaan, jotta kaikkia lahjakkuuksia ei imettäisi huora-talleihin.
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Scottsdale, Phoenix, AZ.
Honda: We're trailing behind Cosworth
By Phil Huff - February 9 2006

Honda's F1 engine effort is trailing behind that of rivals Cosworth, according to Honda Racing Development's Engineering Director, Shuhei Nakamoto.
"At the moment Cosworth has done a good job and we are trailing behind them," explained Nakamoto to "We should be able to produce better engines than we have now.

"If we had the engine of that level in our car, then probably we will be able to beat Renault," he continued. "But we have not, so we have got some work to do."

While Honda's testing times have been encouraging, Renault have managed to top each test, albeit by a slim margin. At this week's Jerez test, Button ended up just 0.108s behind Fernando Alonso. In contrast, the fastest Cosworth powered car, the Williams of Mark Webber, was a further 0.653s behind Button.

"We still have a lot more to come from fine tuning the chassis and the engine ," added Nakamoto, "and I think we are much closer to the performance of 2004 :thumbup: . In fact, we should be better as we have gained experience in 2005 so we will not make the mistakes we made in 2004."

Honda F1 sivustolta:
Shuhei Nakamoto, Engineering Director, Honda Racing Development, is also keen to see how the RA106 performs in the Middle East; more so as Honda has an engine update to evaluate. “We will have some new improvements next week on the engine that we will be running in Bahrain,” he confirms. “We've had some minor issues but overall we are in good shape."

Eli kai ne cossun koneet vaan koviakin on... :dunno:
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Scottsdale, Phoenix, AZ.
Honda Racing F1 Interview: Graham Miller
By Honda Racing F1 - January 1 2006

Graham Miller, Honda Racing F1 Team's Director of Wind Tunnel Operations and Support Services, sits down and talks about how the new full scale wind tunnel will be driving the team's success in 2006 and beyond.
How important is aerodynamics to a modern Grand Prix car?

"Aerodynamic development of cars has become paramount in Formula One; it has been big news in the sport ever since Lotus began experimenting with race car wings back in the late 1960s. In the late 1970s the concept of 'ground effect' – where the entire under-body of the car acts like an upside-down aircraft wing, literally sucking the car into the ground – was developed. At that point the Formula One world really sat up and took notice and began to take aerodynamics very seriously, with teams beginning to understand the importance of wind tunnel technology. Nowadays, aerodynamics absorbs at least 15% of a typical team's car development budget and using wind tunnels is the only way to remain at the forefront; they are one of our most important design tools."

Where is the new wind tunnel being built?

"On site here in Brackley. We have demolished an existing unit to make way for the new three-storey building that will house the wind tunnel."

When did work start on the project, is it still on schedule and when will it be fully functional?

"Construction began on site exactly a year ago, in December 2004, by starting to dismantle the existing factory unit to make way for our new facility. The programme is absolutely on schedule and we plan to be productively testing in July 2006."

What does a wind tunnel cost and do you need a specialist company to build it?

"A full scale facility such as ours costs in the region of £30m. The wind tunnel itself is a specialist piece of kit, as is the 'rolling road' system on which the test vehicles sit, so it is a very technical and complex construction project in which the building constructor needs to work concurrently with the airline manufacturer and rolling road provider. Excellent teamwork and communication is essential in getting the project completed within the minimum timeframe."

How big are the fans and how powerful are they?
"The main fan has a blade diameter of over 5m and is powered by a 3,000 horsepower electric motor, generating a torque of 32,000 ft-lb at 500 rpm. In total there are 16 rotating blades and 27 stator blades – non-rotating blades that are a structural part of the fan construction. This fan will move around 1000 m3 of air per second so we'll be getting wind speeds of 80 metres per second (180mph) in the test section!"

What else will be included in the building?

"Obviously there will be the wind tunnel itself plus all its associated plant, including drive cabinets for the fan and rolling road, electrical transformers, air compressors and vacuum pumps, as well as a fully-integrated manufacturing facility. In addition, there will be a fully-equipped server room which houses the servers for the wind tunnel plus provides an essential disaster recovery facility for the site as a whole in the event that something should happen to the main server room in the main HQ building, plus a museum and a presentation suite so that we have an impressive environment in which to entertain our guests as well."

Honda Racing F1 Team already has a half-scale wind tunnel at Brackley; what are the advantages of a full-scale facility?

"With good execution, the full scale tunnel will be vastly superior in terms of accuracy. It's what we call a 'closed-jet' tunnel which generally gives you a better quality of air flow. In the ongoing quest to improve the accuracy of the aerodynamic test data, the trend is towards large scale models which give better reproduction of vehicle surface features and higher accuracy. This naturally demands large-scale test sections which leads to higher capital costs and, ultimately, higher operating costs.

"The existing Honda Racing F1 Team smaller scale wind tunnel is different: it has an 'open jet' configuration. As the name suggests, open jet tunnels have an open test section in which we can remove the two walls and ceiling. In principle, the jet allows the flow field around the model to relax to something close to that experienced in 'free air' on the track. Another advantage is that it offers increased visibility and access for the test engineer. The disadvantage with open jet tunnels is that outside forces can affect the airflow in an unpredictable way. Aerodynamic test data is not generally as accurate as that obtainable from full scale, closed jet tunnels.

"The ultimate goal is the achievement of a near perfect match between the flow field generated in the wind tunnel with that in free air. To achieve this, our new tunnel features a test section with walls that can be shaped to vehicle contour and yaw angle."

Which parts will be tested in the tunnel?

"We plan to test both model and full size parts within the latest tunnel, and obviously continue with scale testing in our existing facility. As with most teams, we will continue to chip away with incremental changes to improve lap times. This can involve any aspect of the car surface and typically includes the front and rear wings, the sidepods and the area immediately preceding them and, of course, the engine cover and floor."

What conditions can you simulate in a wind tunnel?

"A good wind tunnel is an essential component of a successful Formula One team. They provide measurements for both downforce and drag, which have a major effect on the overall performance of the car. But I think it's fair to say that teams are still some way from replicating a car's behaviour on the track from inside a laboratory, which is effectively what a wind tunnel is. The major test equipment in the wind tunnel customised to work on a Formula One car is the rolling road section, which is needed to simulate the strong aerodynamic effect associated with the car moving close to the ground. The rolling road is itself within a turntable so that we can skew the car towards the wind. This has a major effect on downforce because when a car comes to a corner it will find itself at an angle. If your car suddenly drops off in downforce right when you need it, then you're in a bit of trouble!

"Reproducing wind tunnel performance on the track is the key and, in the end, is what it is all about."

Is there anything that can be done in a wind tunnel that can't be done using computer software (Computational Fluid Dynamics packages)?

"Far from competing with wind tunnels, CFD has made them significantly more efficient. CFD is, in essence, an equation that governs the flow of air and the effects of turbulence can also be modelled with a degree of approximation. New development parts aren't made at random anymore – they're designed on computer and run through CFD simulations to get a feel for their effectiveness before manufacture.

"Aero parts then still need to be checked in the wind tunnel because the wind tunnel can give the 'right' results against a modelled one. Wind tunnels are also more productive when it comes to the number of planned cases developed in a given cycle.

"But wind tunnel time is highly expensive, and CFD is a vital tool in making sure new developments have a good chance of working before they enter the wind tunnel."

How busy do you expect the wind tunnel to be when fully operational?

"Very! For the initial period we will run 24 hours a day when full-scale testing and 18 hours a day when scale testing. This is on top of the 24-hour running of the scale tunnel. The expectation is that we will move to consistent 24-hour testing in both facilities."

Will the team be employing more aerodynamicists when the wind tunnel opens?

"The second tunnel effectively doubles our aerodynamic testing facilities. As part of this programme, we are recruiting a number of positions including senior aerodynamicists, wind tunnel technicians, model makers and machinists."

Is this wind tunnel the missing piece of the Honda Racing F1 Team jigsaw?

"Absolutely, yes. With the completion of this facility in the summer of 2006, we will have a fully integrated site here in Brackley and all of the main building blocks required to support our World Championship ambitions."

Eli ei vastausta varsinaisesti Otto Honkasen kyssäriin, mutta muuta asiaa aero tunneliin liittyen... :wink:


Well-known member
T. Salama sanoi:
Status-barissa (kuinkas sattuikaan) vilahtaa ainakin osoite, jos ei muuta :)
Tottakai se vilahtaa, jos menet vanhaan osoitteeseen. Ohjaus uuteen osoitteeseen toimii niin kauan kuin Honda katsoo sen tarpeeliseksi, viimeistään muutaman vuoden päästä tulee "page not found" vanhasta osoitteesta.


Felix sanoi:
Tottakai se vilahtaa, jos menet vanhaan osoitteeseen. Ohjaus uuteen osoitteeseen toimii niin kauan kuin Honda katsoo sen tarpeeliseksi, viimeistään muutaman vuoden päästä tulee "page not found" vanhasta osoitteesta.
Tuosta tuli mieleen mitä löytyi Tyrrellin takaa..toivottavasti nyt joku pitää oikeudet noihin BARin sivuihin, jottei mitään popup-sivustoa täynnä hydrauliikka-kuvia löydy.